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Cache performance optimization

How Cache Coherency Impacts Power Performance

1、Cache Coherency是有代价的,它会对Power、Performance等产生重要影响

2、我是在阅读 csdn 聊聊高并发(五)理解缓存一致性协议以及对并发编程的影响 时,联想到这个topic的,其中讨论了cache coherency对concurrency的影响

其中提及了"cache coherence flood"概念。

3、本章的标题源自 semiengineering How Cache Coherency Impacts Power, Performance

semiengineering How Cache Coherency Impacts Power, Performance

Cache performance optimization

cache performance 影响方方面面,无论是concurrency、single thread等,它是optimization重要方向;


一、align-to-cache line-optimization

二、避免 "cache sloshing-晃动"

在 jemalloc的paper A Scalable Concurrent malloc(3) Implementation for FreeBSD 中,对"cache sloshing-晃动"的解释为:

"They attributed this to “cache sloshing” – the quick migration of cached data among processors during the manipulation of allocator data structures. "

其实就是 "cache coherence flood-broadcast-bus traffic-interconnect contention-memory synchronization多核同步内存"。


1、线程定位来避免"cache sloshing-晃动"


2、使用concurrency-friendly data structure

参见 drdobbs Choose Concurrency-Friendly Data Structures

三、abseil B-tree Container-use array to cache optimization

四、padding-to-cache line-optimization-avoid false sharing


How to improve my cache hit rate?