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Type-0 grammars又叫做unrestricted grammar,从它的名字可以看出,它是unrestricted的,即

No restrictions are made on the productions of an unrestricted grammar

那其它grammar(Type-1 grammars Context-sensitive grammar、Type-2 grammars Context-free grammar 、Type-3 grammars Regular grammar ),对各自的production的restriction是什么呢?下面从这个角度对这几种grammar进行对比分析, 由上述Chomsky hierarchy所描述的层级可以看出,从Type 0 grammars到Type 3 grammars逐级增加restriction,所以在进行对比分析的时候,每个grammar只需要和它的升一级grammar进行对比即可。

Type-0 grammars:Unrestricted grammar formal definition

An unrestricted grammar is a formal grammar $ G=(N,\Sigma ,P,S) $, where $ N $ is a set of nonterminal symbols, $ \Sigma $ is a set of terminal symbols, $ N $ and $ \Sigma $ are disjoint, $ P $ is a set of production rules of the form $ \alpha \to \beta $ where $ \alpha $ and $ \beta $ are strings of symbols in $ N\cup \Sigma $ and $ \alpha $ is not the empty string, and $ S\in N $ is a specially designated start symbol. As the name implies, there are no real restrictions on the types of production rules that unrestricted grammars can have.


和其他的grammar production相比,它的unrestriction体现在:

  • \alpha可以为terminal、non-terminal

  • \beta可以为empty string

Type-1 grammars:Context-sensitive grammar formal definition

A formal grammar G = (N, Σ, P, S), where N is a set of nonterminal symbols, Σ is a set of terminal symbols, P is a set of production rules, and S is the start symbol, is context-sensitive if all rules in P are of the form

α*A*β → αγβ

where AN, α,β ∈ (N∪Σ)* and γ ∈ (N∪Σ)+.



unrestricted grammar production相比,它的restriction在于:

  • γ不可为empty string
  • A(在产生式的左部)必须是non-terminal

上述两个restriction在Type-0 grammar中都不存在。

Type-2 grammars:Context-free grammar formal definitions

A context-free grammar G is defined by the 4-tuple:

$ G=(V,\Sigma ,R,S) $ where

1、V is a finite set; each element $ v\in V $ is called a nonterminal character or a variable. Each variable represents a different type of phrase or clause in the sentence. Variables are also sometimes called syntactic categories. Each variable defines a sub-language of the language defined by G.

2、Σ is a finite set of terminal*s, disjoint from *V, which make up the actual content of the sentence. The set of terminals is the alphabet of the language defined by the grammar G.

3、R is a finite relation from V to $ (V\cup \Sigma )^{} $, where the asterisk represents the Kleene star operation. The members of *R are called the (rewrite) rule*s or *production*s of the grammar. (also commonly symbolized by a *P)

NOTE: See also

4、S is the start variable (or start symbol), used to represent the whole sentence (or program). It must be an element of V.

Production rule notation

A production rule in R is formalized mathematically as a pair $ (\alpha ,\beta )\in R $, where $ \alpha \in V $ is a nonterminal and $ \beta \in (V\cup \Sigma )^{} $ is a string of variables and/or terminals; rather than using ordered pair notation, production rules are usually written using an arrow operator with *α as its left hand side and β as its right hand side: $ \alpha \rightarrow \beta $.

It is allowed for β to be the empty string, and in this case it is customary to denote it by ε. The form $ \alpha \rightarrow \varepsilon $ is called an ε-production.

It is common to list all right-hand sides for the same left-hand side on the same line, using | (the pipe symbol) to separate them. Rules $ \alpha \rightarrow \beta _{1} $ and $ \alpha \rightarrow \beta _{2} $ can hence be written as $ \alpha \rightarrow \beta _{1}\mid \beta _{2} $. In this case, $ \beta _{1} $ and $ \beta _{2} $ is called the first and second alternative, respectively.

Rule application

For any strings $ u,v\in (V\cup \Sigma )^{} $, we say *u directly yields v, written as $ u\Rightarrow v\, $, if $ \exists (\alpha ,\beta )\in R $ with $ \alpha \in V $ and $ u_{1},u_{2}\in (V\cup \Sigma )^{} $ such that $ u\,=u_{1}\alpha u_{2} $ and $ v\,=u_{1}\beta u_{2} $. Thus, *v is a result of applying the rule $ (\alpha ,\beta ) $ to u.

Repetitive rule application

For any strings $ u,v\in (V\cup \Sigma )^{}, $ we say *u yields v, written as $ u{\stackrel {}{\Rightarrow }}v $ (or $ u\Rightarrow \Rightarrow v\, $ in some textbooks), if $ \exists k\geq 1\,\exists \,u_{1},\cdots ,u_{k}\in (V\cup \Sigma )^{} $ such that $ u=\,u_{1}\Rightarrow u_{2}\Rightarrow \cdots \Rightarrow u_{k}\,=v $. In this case, if $ k\geq 2 $ (i.e., $ u\neq v $), the relation $ u{\stackrel {+}{\Rightarrow }}v $ holds. In other words, $ ({\stackrel {*}{\Rightarrow }}) $ and $ ({\stackrel {+}{\Rightarrow }}) $ are the reflexive transitive closure (allowing a word to yield itself) and the transitive closure (requiring at least one step) of $ (\Rightarrow ) $, respectively.

Context-free language

The language of a grammar $ G=(V,\Sigma ,R,S) $ is the set

$ L(G)={w\in \Sigma ^{}:S{\stackrel {}{\Rightarrow }}w} $

A language L is said to be a context-free language (CFL), if there exists a CFG G, such that $ L\,=\,L(G) $.

Non-deterministic pushdown automata recognize exactly the context-free languages.


Context-free grammar 的restriction在于

The left-hand side of the production rule is always a nonterminal symbol. This means that the symbol does not appear in the resulting formal language.

在type 1 grammar中,对产生式的左部中nonterminal symbol的个数并没有限制。

Type-3 grammars:Regular grammar formal definition

A right regular grammar (also called right linear grammar) is a formal grammar (N, Σ, P, S) such that all the production rules in P are of one of the following forms:

  1. Aa, where A is a non-terminal in N and a is a terminal in Σ
  2. AaB, where A and B are non-terminals in N and a is in Σ
  3. A → ε, where A is in N and ε denotes the empty string, i.e. the string of length 0.

In a left regular grammar (also called left linear grammar), all rules obey the forms

  1. Aa, where A is a non-terminal in N and a is a terminal in Σ
  2. ABa, where A and B are in N and a is in Σ
  3. A → ε, where A is in N and ε is the empty string.

A regular grammar is a left or right regular grammar.

Some textbooks and articles disallow empty production rules, and assume that the empty string is not present in languages.


与Type-2 grammars相比,Type-3 grammars的限制在于产生式右侧的non-terminal:

  • 产生式的右侧最多只能够有一个non-terminal
  • 产生式右侧的non-terminal只能够在最左侧或最右侧

显然,与Type-2 grammars相比,由于Type-3 grammar的production的右侧只能够有一个non-terminal,所以在按照它的production进行rewrite(扩展)的时候,只能够向一个方向进行扩展,所以最终的扩展结果只能够是一个线性的结构,所以它是linear grammar。而Type-2 grammar的production的右侧可以有多个non-terminal,所以在按照它的production进行rewrite(扩展)的时候,能够向多个方向进行扩展,所以最终的扩展结果是一个树形的结构,所以它不是linear grammar

NOTE: 描述的结构


上述所有grammar的production都可以支持递归,即都可以是recursive grammar

NOTE: 描述的递归性

Recursively enumerable language中有这样的描述:

All regular, context-free, context-sensitive and recursive languages are recursively enumerable.

对比分析By automaton

CFG的 automaton是pushdown automaton,我们知道pushdown automaton本质上来说就是stack,CFG本质上来说表示的是hierarchy结构/树形结构。