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Mathematical logic


Axiom and Rule of inference and Theorem

Axiom 可以作为 Rule of inferencepremise(前置条件),结果推导,从而得到 Theorem



An axiom or postulate is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise(前置条件) or starting point for further reasoning and arguments.

Rule of inference

In logic, a rule of inference, inference rule or transformation rule is a logical form consisting of a function which takes premises, analyzes their syntax, and returns a conclusion (or conclusions). For example, the rule of inference called modus ponens takes two premises, one in the form "If p then q" and another in the form "p", and returns the conclusion "q". The rule is valid with respect to the semantics of classical logic (as well as the semantics of many other non-classical logics), in the sense that if the premises are true (under an interpretation), then so is the conclusion.


在原文的The standard form of rules of inference段给出的形式是非常任意理解的。


In mathematics, a theorem is a non-self-evident statement that has been proven to be true, either on the basis of generally accepted statements such as axioms or on the basis previously established statements such as other theorems. A theorem is hence a logical consequence of the axioms, with a proof of the theorem being a logical argument which establishes its truth through the inference rules of a deductive system.


上面这段话中的**inference rules**就是Rule of inference

Well-formed formula

“formula”的中文意思是“公式”,“well-formed”即良构的,也就是符合grammar的意思(如果有一定的formal language的基础,理解well-formed是比较容易的)。


  • Newton-Leibniz formula

  • grammar rule就是formula。

比如在原文的Propositional calculus

Proof theory

Proof theory is a major branch of mathematical logic that represents proofs as formal mathematical objects, facilitating their analysis by mathematical techniques. Proofs are typically presented as inductively-defined data structures such as plain lists, boxed lists, or trees, which are constructed according to the axioms and rules of inference of the logical system. As such, proof theory is syntactic in nature, in contrast to model theory, which is semantic in nature.

证明理论,描述如何来进行证明,按照上述描述,就是不断地使用axioms and rules of inference 进行推导的过程 ,这个过程推导过程是可以展示为一种数据结构,比如列表、树。Parse tree就是一个典型的例子,在自顶向下parsing的过程中,parser不断地使用production进行推导(expand),最终生成了一棵parse tree。

注意,上面这段话中的“inductively-defined”所指为recursive definition,即递归定义。

Formal proof

有了前面的这些铺垫,现在理解Formal proof就不难了。

In logic and mathematics, a formal proof or derivation is a finite sequence of sentences (called well-formed formulas in the case of a formal language), each of which is an axiom, an assumption, or follows from the preceding sentences in the sequence by a rule of inference.

上面这段话中的“each of which”是修饰 “sentences” 的定语从句。

It differs from a natural language argument in that it is rigorous, unambiguous and mechanically checkable.


The theorem is a syntactic consequence of all the well-formed formulas preceding it in the proof.


Checking formal proofs is usually simple, while the problem of finding proofs (automated theorem proving) is usually computationally intractable and/or only semi-decidable, depending upon the formal system in use.

上面这段话中的“finding proof”所指的应该是给定theorem ,取寻找得到这个theorem的proof,这非常类似于parsing

思考:proof VS inference

证明和推理的差异?证明的过程是不断地进行infer,即不断地使用Rule of inference

Formal system

A formal system is used for inferring theorems from axioms according to a set of rules. These rules, which are used for carrying out the inference of theorems from axioms, are the logical calculus of the formal system. A formal system is essentially an "axiomatic system". In 1921, David Hilbert proposed to use such system as the foundation for the knowledge in mathematics. A formal system may represent a well-defined system of abstract thought.

The term formalism is sometimes a rough synonym for formal system, but is also refers to a given style of notation, for example, Paul Dirac's bra–ket notation.

有了前面的理论基础, 现在来看formal system应该不难理解它了。如果将一个formal system看做是一个机器的话,它需要有如下配置:


  • proof

使用formal system来描述formal grammar

通过上面的描述,可以得知:一个语言的formal grammar其实可以看做是一个formal system,formal grammar generate sentence的过程其实就是formal system进行formal proof的过程;parsing的过程其实是find proof的过程。更多关于此的内容,在Formal-language章节中会进行描述。

提及formal system的文章

Formal proofFormal systems

A formal system is used to derive one expression from one or more other expressions.

List of formal systems

Mathematical logic and formal language

维基百科将formal language也归入到了Mathematical logic领域中。使用Mathematical logic的思想来看待formal language中的一些列问题是更加容易理解的。