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Axiom Schema

"axiom schema"的中文意思是"公理模式"。我是在阅读wikipedia Chomsky hierarchy 中发现它的:

A formal grammar provides an axiom schema for (or generates) a formal language, which is a (usually infinite) set of finite-length sequences of symbols that may be constructed by applying production rules to another sequence of symbols (which initially contains just the start symbol). A rule may be applied by replacing an occurrence of the symbols on its left-hand side with those that appear on its right-hand side. A sequence of rule applications is called a derivation. Such a grammar defines the formal language: all words consisting solely of terminal symbols which can be reached by a derivation from the start symbol. is an axiom schema?

wikipedia Axiom schema

In mathematical logic, an axiom schema (plural: axiom schemata or axiom schemas) generalizes the notion of axiom.

NOTE: 推广了axiom的概念。以 formal grammar 为例,formal grammar中的production就是axiom。

mathworld.wolfram Axiom Schema

sciencedirect Axiom Schema