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Super server daemon

wikipedia Super-server

A super-server or sometimes called a service dispatcher is a type of daemon run generally on Unix-like systems.


Principle of Super-server


A super-server starts other servers when needed, normally with access to them checked by a TCP wrapper. It uses very few resources when in idle state. This can be ideal for workstations used for local web development, client/server development[citation needed] or low-traffic daemons with occasional usage (such as ident and SSH).

NOTE: 超级服务器在需要时启动其他服务器,通常可以通过TCP包装器检查它们。 它处于空闲状态时使用的资源非常少。 这对于用于本地Web开发,客户端/服务器开发[需要引用]或偶尔使用的低流量守护进程(例如ident和SSH)的工作站来说是理想的。


There is a slight delay in connecting to the sub-daemons. Thus, when compared to standalone servers, a super-server setup may perform worse, especially when under high load. Some servers, such as hpa-tftpd, therefore take over the internet socket and listen on it themselves for some specified interval, anticipating more connections to come.
