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multitasking是Linux OS的核心特性,本章将对它与它相关的programming进行描述。

Thread functions and the process functions

在APUE 11.5 Thread Termination中总结了“similarities between the thread functions and the process functions”

By now, you should begin to see similarities between the thread functions and the process functions. Figure 11.6 summarizes the similar functions.

Process primitive Thread primitive Description
fork pthread_create create a new flow of control
exit pthread_exit exit from an existing flow of control
waitpid pthread_join get exit status from flow of control
atexit pthread_cleanup_push register function to be called at exit from flow of control
getpid pthread_self get ID for flow of control
abort pthread_cancel request abnormal termination of flow of control

Figure 11.6 Comparison of process and thread primitives

Fork-join model

在工程parallel-computingModel\Fork–join-model.md中总结了Fork–join model,可以看到上述thread functions和process functions显然是遵循这种model的:


fork api:

entity api
process fork
thread pthread_create

join api

entity api
process WAIT(2)WAIT4(2)
thread PTHREAD_JOIN(3)pthread_barrier_wait(3)


之前已经谈论了Linux OS中process、thread的实现,我们已经知道: 它们都依赖于clone system call,这是Linux OS中,非常重要的一个system call,我们将它单独放到一个章节中进行描述。