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gitlab procps

command introduction
free Report the amount of free and used memory in the system
kill Send a signal to a process based on PID
pgrep List processes based on name or other attributes
pkill Send a signal to a process based on name or other attributes
pmap Report memory map of a process
ps Report information of processes
pwdx Report current directory of a process
skill Obsolete version of pgrep/pkill
slabtop Display kernel slab cache information in real time
snice Renice a process
sysctl Read or Write kernel parameters at run
tload Graphical representation of system load average
top Dynamic real
uptime Display how long the system has been running
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics
w Report logged in users and what they are doing
watch Execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen

What is the difference between ps and top command?


top is mostly used interactively (try reading man page or pressing "h" while top is running) and ps is designed for non-interactive use (scripts, extracting some information with shell pipelines etc.)


top allows you display of process statistics continuously until stopped vs. ps which gives you a single snapshot.


For CPU usage, ps displays average CPU usage over the lifetime of the process as it is instantaneous and would always be 0% or 100%. top gives a more instantaneous look at it from averaging over recent polls.

More information here: Top and ps not showing the same cpu result