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本章讨论首先讨论communication protocol,它是比network protocol更加宽泛的概念,然后讨论network protocol(网络的主要内容)。

What is communication protocol?

Communication protocol is a kind of language

从language的角度来看,Communication protocol是一种语言,它是通信多方的约定的沟通的语言。

Protocol VS format

superuser What are the general differences between a format and a protocol


Format - applies to files

NOTE: 参见Programming\IO\File-IO\File-format\File-format章节

Protocol - applies to communications

In both instances you are talking about the index of various bytes in a stream and what they are supposed to represent.

NOTE: 这是两者的共同之处,关于stream,参见工程discrete的Relation-structure-computation\Model\Stream章节

Protocol can get more involved, as many protocols work in a "request-response" fashion where the client issues a well-formed request, and then a server responds with a well-formed response. So there may be different schema for request, response. Requests may change client or server "state" and thus the schema may be different again given a particular state.

NOTE: protocol涉及到多方的参与,因此它比format考虑的问题要多得多

File formats are typically always following the same schema unless they are a different version, though they can be complex as well - later bytes in a file format may depend on earlier bytes (the .PST file format or the Windows Registry hive format, for example).


A format describes the structure of some data, whereas a protocol defines a procedure to handle this data. If you take TCP as an example, you have a definition of the format of a data packet, which tells you at which bit position a specified field like the checksum of a packet starts and ends, and the protocol defines that for opening a TCP connection you need three packets, one from client to server with the SYN-bit set, a second one from server to client with ACK- and SYN-bit set and a third one with ACK-bit set from client to server.

NOTE: format仅仅描述了structure,关于file format,参见Programming\IO\File-IO章节。


protocol的优点与缺点,以Redis Protocol specification为例进行说明。

Network protocol

Network protocol是一种communication protocol,它将是本章探讨的主要内容。

本章内容主要是基于 Internet protocol suite 来组织的,我们需要学习目前network中,被广泛采用的、标准化的protocol(比如TCP/IP协议族);除此之外,我们还需要学习如何来设计application protocol(应用层协议),这将在Application-protocol章节中讨论。


csdn DNS与ARP区别



baike NAT


另外,这种通过使用少量的全球IP地址(公网IP地址)代表较多的私有IP地址的方式,将有助于减缓可用的IP地址空间的枯竭。在RFC 2663中有对NAT的说明。


MAC 地址和 IP 地址分别有什么作用

**MAC 地址**是数据链路层和物理层使用的地址,是写在网卡上的物理地址。MAC 地址用来定义网络设备的位置。

**IP 地址**是网络层和以上各层使用的地址,是一种逻辑地址。IP 地址用来区别网络上的计算机。