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Protocol data format/data exchange format

本章讨论protocol data format。

Protocol data format and file format

如果从"format"进行联想的话,protocol data format与file format类似,需要注意的是: 一些file format可以作为protocol data format,一些protocol data format也可以作为file format。本质上它们都是在描述structure of stream of byte(参见 superuser What are the general differences between a format and a protocol )。

Protocol data format is the interface of network service

本节标题的含义是: 将protocol data format 看做是 network service 的interface。**Network service**可以看做是一个function。


1) Remote Function Call

2) Service-oriented Architecture

How to describe protocol data format?

下面描述如何来描述protocol data format。

cnblogs 软件开发中的几种数据交换协议 # 如何选择数据交换协议


协议 实现 跨语言 性能 传输量 RPC
xml 广泛 几乎所有 很大 N(可实现)
json 广泛 大量 一般 一般 N(可实现)
php serialize PHPRPC 大量 一般 一般 Y
hessian hessian 大量 一般 Y
thrift thrift 大量 Y
protobuf protobuf 大量 N(可实现)
ice ice 大量 Y
avro Apache Avro 少量 Y
messagepack messagepack 大量 Y



struct CRequestStruct{};

const void* Request = Recv(); // 接收得到的请求数据
const CRequestStruct * Req = reinterpret_cast<const CRequestStruct *>(Request); // 

这种方式能够保证避免多次的copy,但是需要为每个服务都指定一个struct,或者说,需要为每个服务制定具体的protocol,这带来的一个问题就是: 维护的成本。

这种方式的一个缺点是: 无法cross-language。


IDL的含义是: interface description language。


1) Protobuf

2) Thrift

3) Apache Avro


Thrift VS Protobuf

stackoverflow Biggest differences of Thrift vs Protocol Buffers?

What are the biggest pros and cons of Apache Thrift vs Google's Protocol Buffers?


They both offer many of the same features; however, there are some differences:

  • Thrift supports 'exceptions'
  • Protocol Buffers have much better documentation/examples
  • Thrift has a builtin Set type
  • Protocol Buffers allow "extensions" - you can extend an external proto to add extra fields, while still allowing external code to operate on the values. There is no way to do this in Thrift
  • I find Protocol Buffers much easier to read

Basically, they are fairly equivalent (with Protocol Buffers slightly more efficient from what I have read).


RPC is another key difference. Thrift generates code to implement RPC clients and servers wheres Protocol Buffers seems mostly designed as a data-interchange format alone.

eprosima Apache Thrift vs Protocol Buffers vs Fast Buffers

NOTE: 这篇文章从performance的角度对它们进行了对比

williamqliu Data Exchange Formats (Avro, Thrift, Protocol Buffers)

NOTE: 这篇文章重要从schema evolution的角度对它们进行了对比。关于schema evolution,将在./Schema-evaluation.md中进行展开说明。