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TCP data transfer


wikipedia Transmission Control Protocol # 4.4 Data transfer



1) csdn TCP如何保证消息顺序以及可靠性到达

2) csdn 【网络】TCP连接的顺序问题、丢包问题、流量控制、拥塞控制问题

Ordered data transfer

TCP data transfer的一个非常重要的feature是: ordered,需要注意的是,TCP只能够保证在同一个连接内的ordered,两个连接之间,TCP无法保证。


我们需要考虑 TCP data transfer的ordered特性的实现。

csdn TCP协议如何来保证传输的可靠性和数据的顺序性:

保证数据的顺序性: 既然TCP报文段作为IP数据报来传输,而IP数据报的到达可能会失序,因此TCP报文段的到达也可能会失序。如果必要,TCP将对收到的数据进行**重新排序**,将收到的数据以正确的顺序交给应用层。 (对失序数据进行重新排序,然后才交给应用层)

See also

csdn 关于同一条TCP链接数据包到达顺序的问题


Reliable data transfer

csdn TCP协议如何来保证传输的可靠性和数据的顺序性:


面向连接:意味着两个使用TCP的应用(通常是一个客户和一个服务器)在彼此交换数据之前必须先建立一个TCP连接。在一个TCP连接中,仅有两方进行彼此通信。广播和多播不能用于TCP。 应用数据被分割成TCP认为最适合发送的分组,A为发送方,B为接收方。**可靠传输原理**是以下两个协议:






Flow control


Congestion control


Stream oriented and TCP data transfer

TODO: 需要添加对stream的说明: stream是一种非常强大的抽象。


NOTE: 上述"面向流的通信是无**消息保护边界**的"是我在阅读csdn Socket TCP粘包、多包和少包, 断包时,其中的论述。


zhidao tcp每一次send动作,其发送的字节都是按顺序到达receive端的吗?:






stackoverflow can one call of recv() receive data from 2 consecutive send() calls?


TCP is a stream oriented protocol. Not message / record / chunk oriented. That is, all that is guaranteed is that if you send a stream, the bytes will get to the other side in the order you sent them. There is no provision(规定) made by RFC 793 or any other document about the number of segments / packets involved.

This is in stark(完全) contrast with UDP. As @R.. correctly said, in UDP an entire message is sent in one operation (notice the change in terminology: message). Try to send a giant message (several times larger than the MTU) with TCP ? It's okay, it will split it for you.

NOTE: MTU即Maximum Transmission Unit

When running on local networks or on localhost you will certainly notice that (generally) one send == one recv. Don't assume that. There are factors that change it dramatically. Among these

  • Nagle
  • Underlying MTU
  • Memory usage (possibly)
  • Timers
  • Many others

Of course, not having a correspondence between an a send and a recv is a nuisance and you can't rely on UDP. That is one of the reasons for SCTP. SCTP is a really really interesting protocol and it is message-oriented.

Back to TCP, this is a common nuisance. An equally common solution is this:

  • Establish that all packets begin with a fixed-length sequence (say 32 bytes)
  • These 32 bytes contain (possibly among other things) the size of the message that follows
  • When you read any amount of data from the socket, add the data to a buffer specific for that connection. When 32 bytes are reached, read the length you still need to read until you get the message.

It is really important to notice how there are really no messages on the wire, only bytes. Once you understand it you will have made a giant leap towards writing network applications.