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Reliable UDP

wanweibaike Reliable User Datagram Protocol

In computer networking, the Reliable User Datagram Protocol (RUDP) is a transport layer protocol designed at Bell Labs for the Plan 9 operating system. It aims to provide a solution where UDP is too primitive(原始) because guaranteed-order packet delivery is desirable, but TCP adds too much complexity/overhead. In order for RUDP to gain higher quality of service, RUDP implements features that are similar to TCP with less overhead.



二、"too primitive"的意思是UDP太弱了,不符合需求

三、显然 RUDP 是介于 UDP 和 TCP 之间的


In order to ensure quality, it extends UDP by means of adding the following features:

1、Acknowledgment of received packets

2、Windowing and flow control

3、Retransmission of lost packets

4、Over buffering (Faster than real-time streaming)



RUDP is not currently a formal standard, however it was described in an IETF internet-draft in 1999. It has not been proposed for standardization.

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