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tcpdump -i any port 11507 or port 11508 or port 11510 -s 0 -w front-arb1.pcap

opensource An introduction to using tcpdump at the Linux command line

Tcpdump is a command line utility that allows you to capture and analyze network traffic going through your system. It is often used to help troubleshoot network issues, as well as a security tool.

NOTE: network traffic即 “网络通信”

2. Capturing packets with tcpdump

To begin, use the command tcpdump --list-interfaces(or -D for short) to see which interfaces are available for capture:

$ sudo tcpdump -D
4.any (Pseudo-device that captures on all interfaces)
5.lo [Loopback]

In the example above, you can see all the interfaces available in my machine. The special interface any allows capturing in any active interface.


Let's use it to start capturing some packets. Capture all packets in any interface by running this command:

tcpdump --interface any

NOTE: 原文给出的command是

official website: tcpdump

wikipedia tcpdump

man 1 tcpdump

Parse pcap file

tcpdump是可以直接parse pcap file的,参见下面这些文章:

serverfault How can I read pcap files in a friendly format? :

tcpdump -ttttnnr tcp_dump.pcap
tcpdump -qns 0 -A -r blah.pcap
tcpick -C -yP -r tcp_dump.pcap


Wireshark is probably the best, but if you want/need to look at the payload without loading up a GUI you can use the -X or -A options

tcpdump -qns 0 -X -r serverfault_request.pcap
tcpdump -qns 0 -A -r serverfault_request.pcap

There are many other tools for reading and getting stats, extracting payloads and so on. A quick look on the number of things that depend on libpcap in the debian package repository gives a list of 50+ tools that can be used to slice, dice, view, and manipulate captures in various ways.

For example.


tshark -r file.pcap -V


You can use wireshark which is a gui app or you can use tshark which is it's cli counterpart.

Besides, you can visualize the pcap using several visualization tools:

  • tnv - The Network Visualizer or Time-based Network Visualizer
  • afterglow - A collection of scripts which facilitate the process of generating graphs
  • INAV - Interactive Network Active-traffic Visualization

If you want to analyze the pcap file you can use the excelent nsm-console.

Last, but not least, you can upload your pcap to and watch it there. is a kind of social website to analyze and comment to traffic captures.