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Debug assembly

是在阅读View Both Assembly and C code回答时想到的这个问题:

View Both Assembly and C code

You can run gdb in Text User Interface (TUI) mode:

gdb -tui <your-binary>
(gdb) b main
(gdb) r
(gdb) layout split

The layout split command divides the window into two parts - one of them displaying the source code, the other one the corresponding assembly. A few others tricks:

  • set disassembly-flavor intel - if your prefer intel notation
  • set print asm-demangle - demangles C++ names in assembly view
  • ni - next instruction
  • si - step instruction

If you do not want to use the TUI mode (e.g. your terminal does not like it), you can always do:

x /12i $pc

which means print 12 instructions from current program counter address - this also works with the tricks above (demangling, stepping instructions, etc.).

The "x /12i $pc" trick works in both gdb and cgdb, whereas "layout split" only works in gdb.

Enjoy :)