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Interrupted system call

Interrupted system call




通过 signal(7) 中的内容可知:

重点在于 "may block for an indefinite time(无限时间)",前提条件之一是:

"blocked call",因此system call必须是blocked。

下面是回避"may block for an indefinite time(无限时间)"的方式:

1、non-blocking IO

Slow system call、slow device

stackexchange Difference between slow system calls and fast system calls

通过Nonblocking I/O来转换slow system call

从上面的介绍来看,其实所谓的slow system call是跟它所操作的device密切相关的,而Unix OS的everything in Unix is file的philosophy,将很多device都抽象成了file,我们通过对这些file的file descriptor进行操作来实现对device的操作,因此很多操作都是类似于IO;默认情况下,当我们对slow device执行system call的时候,就非常可能出现slow system call的情况;Unix OS是非常灵活的,它是有提供system call来允许用户改变这种默认行为的:这就是Unix中的nonblocking I/O,通过在指定的file descriptor上设置nonblocking标志,来告诉kernel不要block对该file descriptor进行操作的thread;

上述想法是在《APUE 14.2 Nonblocking I/O》中提出的。


stackoverflow Interrupting blocked read

My program goes through a loop like this:


The read function blocks when it is waiting for input, which happens to be from a socket. I want to handle SIGINT and basically tell it to stop the read function if it is reading and then call an arbitrary function. What is the best way to do this?


From read(2):

   EINTR  The call was interrupted by a signal before any data
          was read; see signal(7).

If you amend your code to look more like:

cont = 1;
while (1 && cont) {
    ret = read(sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf));
    if (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR)
        cont = arbitrary_function();

This lets arbitrary_function() decide if the read(2) should be re-tried or not.


You need to handle the signal in order to get the EINTR behavior from read(2):


int interrupted;

void handle_int(num) {
  interrupted = 1;

int main(void){
  char buf[9001];
  struct sigaction int_handler = {.sa_handler=handle_int};
    printf("interrupted: %d\n", interrupted);
  return 0;

Gives output:

$ ./foo
interrupted: 0
interrupted: 0

NOTE: 当thread阻塞在system call中的时候,如果产生了signal,则OS会转去执行signal handler,然后这个system call就被interrupted了,这意味中这个system call会返回,通常是返回错误值-1,并且errorno被设置为EINTR;其实用户可以据此将这个system call进行restart,具体的写法参见:《》


stackexchange Interruption of system calls when a signal is caught

From reading the man pages on the read() and write() calls it appears that these calls get interrupted by signals regardless of whether they have to block or not.

In particular, assume

1、a process establishes a handler for some signal.

2、a device is opened (say, a terminal) with the O_NONBLOCK not set (i.e. operating in blocking mode)

3、the process then makes a read() system call to read from the device and as a result executes a kernel control path in kernel-space.

4、while the precess is executing its read() in kernel-space, the signal for which the handler was installed earlier is delivered to that process and its signal handler is invoked.

Reading the man pages and the appropriate sections in SUSv3 'System Interfaces volume (XSH)', one finds that:

i. If a read() is interrupted by a signal before it reads any data (i.e. it had to block because no data was available), it returns -1 with errno set to [EINTR].

ii. If a read() is interrupted by a signal after it has successfully read some data (i.e. it was possible to start servicing the request immediately), it returns the number of bytes read.

Question A): Am I correct to assume that in either case (block/no block) the delivery and handling of the signal is not entirely transparent to the read()?

NOTE: not entirely transparent意味着read是需要考虑signal的;

Case i. seems understandable since the blocking read() would normally place the process in the TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE state so that when a signal is delivered, the kernel places the process into TASK_RUNNING state.

However when the read() doesn't need to block (case ii.) and is processing the request in kernel-space, I would have thought that the arrival of a signal and its handling would be transparent much like the arrival and proper handling of a HW(hardware) interrupt would be(这段话的意思是在system call正在执行而非blocked的时候,作者认为OS在这种情况下,不应该中断system call的运行而应该将OS处理硬中断那样). In particular I would have assumed that upon delivery of the signal, the process would be temporarily placed into user mode to execute its signal handler from which it would return eventually to finish off processing the interrupted read()(in kernel-space) so that the read() runs its course to completion after which the process returns back to the point just after the call to read() (in user-space), with all of the available bytes read as a result(这只是作者的一种假设).

But ii. seems to imply that the read() is interrupted, since data is available immediately, but it returns returns only some of the data (instead of all).

This brings me to my second (and final) question:

Question B): If my assumption under A) is correct, why does the read() get interrupted, even though it does not need to block because there is data available to satisfy the request immediately? In other words, why is the read() not resumed after executing the signal handler, eventually resulting in all of the available data (which was available after all) to be returned?

NOTE: 其实作者的问题归结起来就是在 APUE 的10.5 Interrupted System Calls中提及的automatic restarting of certain interrupted system calls。


Summary: you're correct that receiving a signal is not transparent, neither in case i (interrupted without having read anything) nor in case ii (interrupted after a partial read). To do otherwise in case i would require making fundamental changes both to the architecture of the operating system and the architecture of applications.

TRANSLATION : 否则,在情况i中需要对操作系统的体系结构和应用程序的体系结构进行基本的改变。

The OS implementation view

Consider what happens if a system call is interrupted by a signal. The signal handler will execute user-mode code. But the syscall handler is kernel code and does not trust any user-mode code. So let's explore the choices for the syscall handler:

一、Terminate the system call; report how much was done to the user code. It's up to the application code to restart(重新调用) the system call in some way, if desired. That's how unix works.

在APUE的10.5 Interrupted System Calls给出了符合上述想法的code:

    if ((n = read(fd, buf, BUFFSIZE)) < 0) {
        if (errno == EINTR)
            goto again; /* just an interrupted system call */
                        /* handle other errors */

二、Save the state of the system call, and allow the user code to resume the call. This is problematic for several reasons:

1、While the user code is running, something could happen to invalidate the saved state. For example, if reading from a file, the file might be truncated. So the kernel code would need a lot of logic to handle these cases.

NOTE: : user code可能导致saved state 编程invalid

2、The saved state can't be allowed to keep any lock, because there's no guarantee that the user code will ever resume the syscall, and then the lock would be held forever.

NOTE: : 不能允许保存的状态保持任何锁定,因为无法保证用户代码将恢复系统调用,然后锁定将永久保留


3、The kernel must expose new interfaces to resume or cancel ongoing syscalls, in addition to the normal interface to start a syscall. This is a lot of complication for a rare case.

NOTE: : 注意作者在这里使用的三个动词:start,resume,cancel;它们的具体含义如下:

start a syscall,即调用

resume a syscall,在start a syscall之后,在此syscall执行的期间此syscall被interrupted了,而后在resume这个syscall,即恢复这个syscall的运行

4、The saved state would need to use resources (memory, at least); those resources would need to be allocated and held by the kernel but be counted against the process's allotment. This isn't insurmountable, but it is a complication.

  • Note that the signal handler might make system calls that themselves get interrupted; so you can't just have a static resource allotment that covers all possible syscalls.

    参见APUE的10.6 Reentrant Functions,使用了static resource allotment的system call都是non reentrant的

  • And what if the resources cannot be allocated? Then the syscall would have to fail anyway. Which means the application would need to have code to handle this case, so this design would not simplify the application code.

三、Remain in progress (but suspended), create a new thread for the signal handler. This, again, is problematic:

  • Early unix implementations had a single thread per process.
  • The signal handler would risk overstepping on the syscall's shoes. This is an issue anyway, but in the current unix design, it's contained.
  • Resources would need to be allocated for the new thread; see above.

The main difference with an interrupt is that the interrupt code is trusted, and highly constrained. It's usually not allowed to allocate resources, or run forever, or take locks and not release them, or do any other kind of nasty things; since the interrupt handler is written by the OS implementer himself, he knows that it won't do anything bad. On the other hand, application code can do anything.

The application design view

When an application is interrupted in the middle of a system call, should the syscall continue to completion? Not always. For example, consider a program like a shell that's reading a line from the terminal, and the user presses Ctrl+C, triggering SIGINT. The read must not complete, that's what the signal is all about. Note that this example shows that the read syscall must be interruptible even if no byte has been read yet.

So there must be a way for the application to tell the kernel to cancel the system call. Under the unix design, that happens automatically: the signal makes the syscall return. Other designs would require a way for the application to resume or cancel the syscall at its leasure.

The read system call is the way it is because it's the primitive that makes sense, given the general design of the operating system. What it means is, roughly, “read as much as you can, up to a limit (the buffer size), but stop if something else happens”. To actually read a full buffer involves running read in a loop until as many bytes as possible have been read; this is a higher-level function, fread(3). Unlike read(2) which is a system call, fread is a library function, implemented in user space on top of read. It's suitable for an application that reads for a file or dies trying; it's not suitable for a command line interpreter or for a networked program that must throttle connections cleanly, nor for a networked program that has concurrent connections and doesn't use threads.

The example of read in a loop is provided in Robert Love's Linux System Programming:

ssize_t ret;
while (len != 0 && (ret = read (fd, buf, len)) != 0) {
  if (ret == -1) {
    if (errno == EINTR)
    perror ("read");
  len -= ret;
  buf += ret;

It takes care of case i and case ii and few more.

NOTE: 上面在The OS implementation view中提及的choice,其实是处理interruption的几种choice;choice1其实就是give up;后面的几种choice都是interrupt and resume then;

stackoverflow When and how are system calls interrupted?

This is a followup question to Is a successful send() "atomic"?, as I think it actually concerns system calls in general, not just sends on sockets.

Which system calls can be interrupted, and when they are, where is the interruption handled? I've learned about SA_RESTART, but don't exactly understand what is going on.

  • If I make a system call without SA_RESTART, can the call be interrupted by any kind of interrupts (e.g. user input) that don't concern my application, but require the OS to abort my call and do something else? Or is it only interrupted by signals that directly concern my process (CTRL+C, socket closed, ...)?
  • When setting SA_RESTART, what are the semantics of a send() or any other "slow" syscall? Will it always block until all of my data is transmitted or the socket goes down, or can it return with a number smaller than the count in send()'s parameter?
  • Where is restarting implemented? Does the OS know that I want the call to be restarted upon any interrupts, or is some signal sent to my process and then handled by library code? Or do I have to do it myself, e.g. wrap the call in a while loop and retry as often as necessary?

stackoverflow Is a successful send() “atomic”?

Does a successful call to send() with the number returned equal to the amount specified in the size parameter guarantee that no "partial sends" will occur?

Or is there some way that the OS might be interrupted while servicing the system call, send part of the data, wait for a possibly long time, then send the rest and return without notifying me with a smaller return value?

I'm not talking about a case where there is not enough room in the kernel buffer; I realize that I would then get a smaller return value and have to try again.

Update: Based on the answers so far, my question could be rephrased as follows:

Is there any way for packets/data to be sent over the wire before the call to send() returns?