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Name binding

What is name binding?

其实,从symbol的角度来理解是比较容易的: 一个name就是一个symbol,symbol是用于指代的,所谓binding是给这个name指定value。关于此,参见utexas CS 378, Symbolic Programming


wikipedia Name-binding

For bound variables in mathematics, see free variables and bound variables.

In programming languages, name binding is the association of entities (data and/or code) with identifiers.[1] An identifier bound to an object is said to reference that object(此处的object就是上一句提到的entity). Machine languages(可以直接由CPU运行的语言) have no built-in notion of identifiers(机器语言没有内置的identifier的概念), but name-object bindings(name和object的binding) as a service and notation for the programmer is implemented by programming languages(binding是由programming languages来实现的). Binding is intimately(紧密地) connected with scoping, as scope determines which names bind to which objects – at which locations in the program code (lexically) and in which one of the possible execution paths (temporally)(binding与scope密切相关,因为scope 确定哪些name绑定到哪些object - 程序代码中的哪些位置(词法)以及哪个可能的执行路径(临时)).

NOTE: 关于 "data and/or code",参见工程Hardware的Computer-architecture\Stored-program-computer章节的"Function and data model"章节。

其实所谓的name binding是compiler来做的一件事情,compiler将各个identifier和它对应的entity进行关联从而正确地理解program。

Use of an identifier id in a context that establishes a binding for id is called a binding (or defining) occurrence(绑定事件或定义事件. In all other occurrences (e.g., in expressions, assignments, and subprogram calls), an identifier stands for what it is bound to; such occurrences are called applied occurrences(在为id建立绑定的上下文中使用标识符id称为绑定(或定义)事件。 在所有其他事件中(例如,在表达式,赋值和子程序调用中),标识符代表它所绑定的内容; 这种事件称为应用事件).


思考:name binding和scope的关系

总结:显然name-binding和by reference是密切相关的。

Binding time

  • Static binding (or early binding) is name binding performed before the program is run [2].
  • Dynamic binding (or late binding or virtual binding) is name binding performed as the program is running [2].

An example of a static binding is a direct C function call: the function referenced by the identifier cannot change at runtime.

But an example of dynamic binding is dynamic dispatch, as in a C++ virtual method call. Since the specific type of a polymorphic object is not known before runtime (in general), the executed function is dynamically bound. Take, for example, the following Java code:

 public void foo(java.util.List<String> list) {

List is an interface, so list must refer to a subtype of it. Is it a reference to a LinkedList, an ArrayList, or some other subtype of List? The actual method referenced by add is not known until runtime. In C, such instance of dynamic binding may be a call to a function pointed by a variable or expression of a function pointer type whose value is unknown until it actually gets evaluated at run-time.

NOTE: 上面这段话还描述了C语言中实现**dynamic binding**的方式。

Rebinding and mutation

Rebinding should not be confused with mutation(突变,改变).

  • Rebinding is a change to the referencing identifier.
  • Mutation is a change to the referenced entity.

Consider the following Java code:

 LinkedList<String> list;
 list = new LinkedList<String>();
 list = null;

The identifier list initially references nothing (it is uninitialized); it is then rebound to reference an object (a linked list of strings). The linked list referenced by list is then mutated, adding a string to the list. Lastly, list is rebound to null.

Late static

Late static binding is a variant of binding somewhere between static and dynamic binding. Consider the following PHP example:

class A {
    static $word = "hello";
    static function hello() { print self::$word; }

class B extends A {
    static $word = "bye";


In this example, the PHP interpreter binds the keyword self inside A::hello() to class A, and so the call to B::hello() produces the string "hello". If the semantics of self::$word had been based on late static binding, then the result would have been "bye".

Beginning with PHP version 5.3, late static binding is supported.[3] Specifically, if self::$word in the above were changed to static::$word as shown in the following block, where the keyword static would only be bound at runtime, then the result of the call to B::hello() would be "bye":

class A {
    static $word = "hello";
    static function hello() { print static::$word; }

class B extends A {
    static $word = "bye";


wikipedia Late binding

Late binding, dynamic binding,[1] or dynamic linkage[2]—though not an identical process to dynamically linking imported code libraries—is a computer programming mechanism in which the method being called upon an object, or the function being called with arguments, is looked up by name at runtime. In other words, a name is associated with a particular operation or object at runtime, rather than during compilation.