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redis的rax实现其实是即支持trie又支持radix tree的;认知到这一点,我是先通过阅读了trie的实现后,再阅读redis rax的实现才发现的这个问题,以下是trie的两种实现:

1、python trie:

2、c trie:

python trie中,node的定义是如下的:

class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = dict()  # Mapping from char to TrieNode
        self.is_leaf = False

它通过使用dict来实现节点之间的关联,其实可以认为dict所保存的是edge,dict 的key就是edge的label;

radish rax在支持trie的时候,其实使用的就是类似于上述的实现方式,以下是它的文档中给出的:

/* Data layout is as follows:
 * If node is not compressed we have 'size' bytes, one for each children
 * character, and 'size' raxNode pointers, point to each child node.
 * Note how the character is not stored in the children but in the
 * edge of the parents:
 * [header iscompr=0][abc][a-ptr][b-ptr][c-ptr](value-ptr?)
