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如何开启redis cluster?

Redis cluster tutorial中有介绍:

Redis Cluster configuration parameters

We are about to create an example cluster deployment. Before we continue, let's introduce the configuration parameters that Redis Cluster introduces in the redis.conf file. Some will be obvious, others will be more clear as you continue reading.

  • cluster-enabled : If yes enables Redis Cluster support in a specific Redis instance. Otherwise the instance starts as a stand alone instance as usual.

config.c中也是根据此配置项来初始化struct redisServer.c:cluster_enabled成员变量的,该成员变量表示是否启动redis cluster;


if (server.cluster_enabled) clusterInit();

显然,只有在配置文件中开启了cluster后,redis server才会在启动的时候执行clusterInit()

关于如何构建redis cluster,参见Redis系列九:redis集群高可用


server.c:struct clusterState 集群的状态

server.c:struct clusterState就是replicated state machines


server.c:struct clusterNode 集群节点



成员变量currentEpoch VS 成员变量configEpoch

Redis Cluster Specification中有如下介绍:

  • The currentEpoch and configEpoch fields of the sending node that are used to mount the distributed algorithms used by Redis Cluster (this is explained in detail in the next sections). If the node is a slave the configEpoch is the last known configEpoch of its master.

显然两者的相同点就是:mount the distributed algorithms used by Redis Cluster

Redis源码解析:27集群(三)主从复制、故障转移中有对currentEpochconfigEpoch有着非常详细的介绍,其实从它们的用途来看,就可以明白为什么currentEpoch置于server.c:struct clusterNodeconfigEpoch置于server.c:struct clusterState中。