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Overlapping subproblems


二、如何快速判断是否存在"Overlapping subproblems"?以"relation-structure-computation"、"结构化思维" 来思考:

1、在recursion activation tree中,存在着多个值相等的节点、多条到达相同值的path,在下面的"非常形象的说明"章节中,就形象地展示了这样的情形。

2、通过对recurrence relation进行简单的推演,画出其recursion activation tree,通过规则1来进行判断;在下面的"非常形象的说明"章节中,就给出了这样的案例。

wikipedia Overlapping subproblems

In computer science, a problem is said to have overlapping subproblems if the problem can be broken down into subproblems which are reused several times or a recursive algorithm for the problem solves the same subproblem over and over rather than always generating new subproblems.[1][2] [3]

For example, the problem of computing the Fibonacci sequence exhibits overlapping subproblems. The problem of computing the n*th Fibonacci number *F(n), can be broken down into the subproblems of computing F(n − 1) and F(n − 2), and then adding the two. The subproblem of computing F(n − 1) can itself be broken down into a subproblem that involves computing F(n − 2). Therefore, the computation of F(n − 2) is reused, and the Fibonacci sequence thus exhibits overlapping subproblems.

A naive recursive approach to such a problem generally fails due to an exponential complexity. If the problem also shares an optimal substructure property, dynamic programming is a good way to work it out.


labuladong 经动态规划:编辑距离 # 暴力破解的重叠子问题


怎么能一眼看出存在重叠子问题呢?前文 动态规划之正则表达式 有提过,这里再简单提一下,需要抽象出本文算法的递归框架:

def dp(i, j):
    dp(i - 1, j - 1) #1
    dp(i, j - 1)     #2
    dp(i - 1, j)     #3




labuladong 动态规划详解 # 一、斐波那契数列


int fib(int N) {
    if (N == 1 || N == 2) return 1;
    return fib(N - 1) + fib(N - 2);


