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Lexicographical order 字典序

baike 字典序

对于数字1、2、3......n的排列,不同排列的先后关系是从左到右逐个比较对应的数字的先后来决定的。例如对于5个数字的排列 12354和12345,排列12345在前,排列12354在后。按照这样的规定,5个数字的所有的排列中最前面的是12345,最后面的是 54321。

wanweibaike Lexicographical order

stackoverflow What is lexicographical order?


lexicographical order is alphabetical order. The other type is numerical ordering. Consider the following values,

1, 10, 2

Those values are in lexicographical order. 10 comes after 2 in numerical order, but 10 comes before 2 in "alphabetical" order.