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Reverse individual words


Given a string str, we need to print reverse of individual words.


Input : Hello World
Output : olleH dlroW

Input :  Geeks for Geeks
Output : skeeG rof skeeG

Recommended: Please try your approach on ***{IDE}*** first, before moving on to the solution.


Method 1 (Simple): Generate all words separated by space. One by one reverse words and print them separated by space.

Method 2 (Space Efficient): We use a stack to push all words before space. As soon as we encounter a space, we empty the stack.

// C++ program to reverse individual words in a given 
// string using STL list 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// reverses individual words of a string 
void reverseWords(string str) 
    stack<char> st; 

    // Traverse given string and push all characters 
    // to stack until we see a space. 
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { 
        if (str[i] != ' ') 

        // When we see a space, we print contents 
        // of stack. 
        else { 
            while (st.empty() == false) { 
                cout <<; 
            cout << " "; 

    // Since there may not be space after 
    // last word. 
    while (st.empty() == false) { 
        cout <<; 

// Driver program to test function 
int main() 
    string str = "Geeks for Geeks"; 
    return 0; 

Python | Reverse each word in a sentence

using namespace std; 

void printWords(string str) 
    // word variable to store word 
    string word; 

    // making a string stream 
    stringstream iss(str); 

    // Read and print each word. 
    while (iss >> word){ 
        cout<<word<<" "; 

// Driver code 
int main() 
    string s = "GeeksforGeeks is good to learn"; 
    return 0; 
// This code is contributed by Nikhil Rawat 

Reverse individual words with O(1) extra space


Given a string str, the task is to reverse all the individual words.


Input: str = “Hello World” Output: olleH dlroW

Recommended: Please try your approach on ***{IDE}*** first, before moving on to the solution.

Approach: A solution to the above problem has been discussed in this post. It has a time complexity of O(n) and uses O(n) extra space. In this post, we will discuss a solution which uses O(1) extra space.

  • Traverse through the string until we encounter a space.
  • After encountering the space, we use two variables ‘start’ and ‘end’ pointing to the first and last character of the word and we reverse that particular word.
  • Repeat the above steps until the last word.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ implementation of the approach 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// Function to resturn the string after 
// reversing the individual words 
string reverseWords(string str) 

    // Pointer to the first character 
    // of the first word 
    int start = 0; 
    for (int i = 0; i <= str.size(); i++) { 

        // If the current word has ended 
        if (str[i] == ' ' || i == str.size()) { 

            // Pointer to the last character 
            // of the current word 
            int end = i - 1; 

            // Reverse the current word 
            while (start < end) { 
                swap(str[start], str[end]); 

            // Pointer to the first character 
            // of the next word 
            start = i + 1; 

    return str; 

// Driver code 
int main() 
    string str = "Geeks for Geeks"; 

    cout << reverseWords(str); 

    return 0; 