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wikipedia Recursion (computer science) # Recursive programs

Recursive procedures

Greatest common divisor

The Euclidean algorithm, which computes the greatest common divisor of two integers, can be written recursively.

Function definition*:*

$ \gcd(x,y)={\begin{cases}x&{\mbox{if }}y=0\\gcd(y,\operatorname {remainder} (x,y))&{\mbox{if }}y>0\\end{cases}} $

Pseudocode (recursive):

function gcd is:
input: integer x, integer y such that x > 0 and y >= 0

    1. if y is 0, return x
    2. otherwise, return [ gcd( y, (remainder of x/y) ) ]

end gcd

Recurrence relation for greatest common divisor, where $ x\%y $ expresses the remainder of $ x/y $:

$ \gcd(x,y)=\gcd(y,x\%y) $ if $ y\neq 0 $

$ \gcd(x,0)=x $

Computing the recurrence relation for x = 27 and y = 9:

gcd(27, 9)   = gcd(9, 27% 9)
             = gcd(9, 0)
             = 9    

The recursive program above is tail-recursive; it is equivalent to an iterative algorithm, and the computation shown above shows the steps of evaluation that would be performed by a language that eliminates tail calls. Below is a version of the same algorithm using explicit iteration, suitable for a language that does not eliminate tail calls. By maintaining its state entirely in the variables x and y and using a looping construct, the program avoids making recursive calls and growing the call stack.

Pseudocode (iterative):

function gcd is:
input: integer x, integer y such that x >= y and y >= 0

    1. create new variable called remainder

    2. begin loop
          1. if y is zero, exit loop
          2. set remainder to the remainder of x/y
          3. set x to y
          4. set y to remainder
          5. repeat loop

    3. return x

end gcd

The iterative algorithm requires a temporary variable, and even given knowledge of the Euclidean algorithm it is more difficult to understand the process by simple inspection, although the two algorithms are very similar in their steps.

Towers of Hanoi

Main article: Towers of Hanoi

The Towers of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle whose solution illustrates recursion.[6][7] There are three pegs which can hold stacks of disks of different diameters. A larger disk may never be stacked on top of a smaller. Starting with n disks on one peg, they must be moved to another peg one at a time. What is the smallest number of steps to move the stack?

Function definition:

$ \operatorname {hanoi} (n)={\begin{cases}1&{\mbox{if }}n=1\2\cdot \operatorname {hanoi} (n-1)+1&{\mbox{if }}n>1\\end{cases}} $

Recurrence relation for hanoi:

$ h_{n}=2h_{n-1}+1 $

$ h_{1}=1 $

Computing the recurrence relation for n = 4:

hanoi(4)     = 2*hanoi(3) + 1
             = 2*(2*hanoi(2) + 1) + 1
             = 2*(2*(2*hanoi(1) + 1) + 1) + 1
             = 2*(2*(2*1 + 1) + 1) + 1
             = 2*(2*(3) + 1) + 1
             = 2*(7) + 1
             = 15

Example implementations:

Binary search

The binary search algorithm is a method of searching a sorted array for a single element by cutting the array in half with each recursive pass. The trick is to pick a midpoint near the center of the array, compare the data at that point with the data being searched and then responding to one of three possible conditions: the data is found at the midpoint, the data at the midpoint is greater than the data being searched for, or the data at the midpoint is less than the data being searched for.

Recursion is used in this algorithm because with each pass a new array is created by cutting the old one in half. The binary search procedure is then called recursively, this time on the new (and smaller) array. Typically the array's size is adjusted by manipulating a beginning and ending index. The algorithm exhibits a logarithmic order of growth because it essentially divides the problem domain in half with each pass.

Example implementation of binary search in C:

  Call binary_search with proper initial conditions.

    data is an array of integers SORTED in ASCENDING order,
    toFind is the integer to search for,
    count is the total number of elements in the array

    result of binary_search

 int search(int *data, int toFind, int count)
    //  Start = 0 (beginning index)
    //  End = count - 1 (top index)
    return binary_search(data, toFind, 0, count-1);

   Binary Search Algorithm.

        data is a array of integers SORTED in ASCENDING order,
        toFind is the integer to search for,
        start is the minimum array index,
        end is the maximum array index
        position of the integer toFind within array data,
        -1 if not found
 int binary_search(int *data, int toFind, int start, int end)
    //Get the midpoint.
    int mid = start + (end - start)/2;   //Integer division

    //Stop condition.
    if (start > end)
       return -1;
    else if (data[mid] == toFind)        //Found?
       return mid;
    else if (data[mid] > toFind)         //Data is greater than toFind, search lower half
       return binary_search(data, toFind, start, mid-1);
    else                                 //Data is less than toFind, search upper half
       return binary_search(data, toFind, mid+1, end);

Recursive data structures (structural recursion)

Main article: Recursive data type

An important application of recursion in computer science is in defining dynamic data structures such as lists and trees. Recursive data structures can dynamically grow to a theoretically infinite size in response to runtime requirements; in contrast, the size of a static array must be set at compile time.

"Recursive algorithms are particularly appropriate when the underlying problem or the data to be treated are defined in recursive terms."[9]

The examples in this section illustrate what is known as "structural recursion". This term refers to the fact that the recursive procedures are acting on data that is defined recursively.

As long as a programmer derives the template from a data definition, functions employ structural recursion. That is, the recursions in a function's body consume some immediate piece of a given compound value.[5]

Linked lists

Main article: Linked list

Below is a C definition of a linked list node structure. Notice especially how the node is defined in terms of itself. The "next" element of struct node is a pointer to another struct node, effectively creating a list type.

struct node
  int data;           // some integer data
  struct node *next;  // pointer to another struct node

Because the struct node data structure is defined recursively, procedures that operate on it can be implemented naturally as recursive procedures. The list_print procedure defined below walks down the list until the list is empty (i.e., the list pointer has a value of NULL). For each node it prints the data element (an integer). In the C implementation, the list remains unchanged by the list_print procedure.

void list_print(struct node *list)
    if (list != NULL)               // base case
       printf ("%d ", list->data);  // print integer data followed by a space
       list_print (list->next);     // recursive call on the next node
Binary trees

Main article: Binary tree

Below is a simple definition for a binary tree node. Like the node for linked lists, it is defined in terms of itself, recursively. There are two self-referential pointers: left (pointing to the left sub-tree) and right (pointing to the right sub-tree).

struct node
  int data;            // some integer data
  struct node *left;   // pointer to the left subtree
  struct node *right;  // point to the right subtree

Operations on the tree can be implemented using recursion. Note that because there are two self-referencing pointers (left and right), tree operations may require two recursive calls:

// Test if tree_node contains i; return 1 if so, 0 if not.
int tree_contains(struct node *tree_node, int i) {
    if (tree_node == NULL)
        return 0;  // base case
    else if (tree_node->data == i)
        return 1;
        return tree_contains(tree_node->left, i) || tree_contains(tree_node->right, i);

At most two recursive calls will be made for any given call to tree_contains as defined above.

// Inorder traversal:
void tree_print(struct node *tree_node) {
        if (tree_node != NULL) {                  // base case
                tree_print(tree_node->left);      // go left
                printf("%d ", tree_node->data);   // print the integer followed by a space
                tree_print(tree_node->right);     // go right
                        3              7
                  2          4    6            8
            P(NULL) return 
            P(NULL) return
            P(NULL) return 
            P(NULL) return


