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Task of NLP

本节对NLP-progress中所总结的NLP task进行总结,分析。原文链接:

Syntax/sentence analysis


Task name Explanation
Shallow syntax/Chunking Chunking, also known as shallow parsing, identifies continuous spans of tokens that form syntactic units such as noun phrases or verb phrases.
Constituency parsing Constituency parsing aims to extract a constituency-based parse tree from a sentence that represents its syntactic structure according to a phrase structure grammar.
Dependency parsing Dependency parsing is the task of extracting a dependency parse of a sentence that represents its grammatical structure and defines the relationships between “head” words and words, which modify those heads.
Part-of-speech tagging
Semantic parsing 包括:
- AMR parsing
- SQL parsing
Semantic role labeling
Coreference resolution
Named entity recognition Named entity recognition (NER) is the task of tagging entities in text with their corresponding type. Approaches typically use BIO notation, which differentiates the beginning (B) and the inside (I) of entities. O is used for non-entity tokens.


Document analysis


Task name Explanation
Sentiment analysis Sentiment analysis is the task of classifying the polarity of a given text.
Temporal processing
Question answering
Semantic textual similarity
Open Information extraction Open Information Extraction approaches leads to creation of large Knowledge bases (KB) from the web.
Text classification

和语音相关的NLP task

Automatic speech recognition


Language modeling

Common sense

Natural language inference

See also