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Sequence Labeling: Generative and Discriminative Approaches

Sequence labeling problem definition I

Given a sequence of observations/feature vectors, determine an appropriate label/state for each observation

We will assume the observations can be discrete or continuous, scalar or vector

We assume the labels/states are discrete and from a finite set

Try to reduce errors by considering the relations between the observations and states (observation-state) and the relation between neighboring states (state-state)

Sequence labeling applications

  • Speech recognition
  • Part-of-speech tagging
  • Shallow parsing
  • Handwriting recognition
  • Protein secondary structure prediction
  • Video analysis
  • Facial expression dynamic modeling

Urns and balls example

Assume there are two urns with black and white balls [Rabiner, 1989]. One urn has more black than white (90% vs 10%) and vice versa. Someone pulls out one ball at a time and shows us without revealing which urn he uses and puts it back into the urn. He is more likely to use the same urn (90% chance) once he starts using one We are looking only at the sequence of balls and recording them.

Questions about the urns and balls example

Questions of interest:

  1. Can we predict which urn is used at a given time?
  2. What is the probability of observing the sequence of balls shown to us?
  3. Can we estimate/learn the ratio of balls in each urn by looking at a long sequence of balls if we did not know the ratios beforehand?

Jason Eisner’s ice-cream example

Try to guess whether the weather was hot or cold by observing only how many ice-creams (0, 1, 2 or 3+) Jason ate each day in a sequence of 30 days. Two states and observations with 4 distinct values (discrete observations). Question: Can we determine if a day was hot or cold given the sequence of ice-creams consumed by Jason? Example excel sheet online (illustrates forward backward algorithm). Example also adopted in [Jurafsky and Martin, 2008]

Approach, notation and variables

We will first analyze binary and multi-class classification with linear models. Multi-class classification will be the basis for understanding the sequence labeling problem. Then, we will introduce HMM, CRF, and structured SVM approaches for sequence labeling.


x is an observed feature vector, x_t a feature vector at sequence position t, x_{1:T} a sequence of feature vectors. y is a discrete label (or state), y \in Y where Y = {−1, +1} for binary classification, Y = [M] = {1, 2, . . . , M} for multi-class classification. y_t is the label/state at sequence position t, y_{1:T} is a sequence of labels/states w and w˜ are parameter vectors,w_j is the jth component. F(x_{1:T} , y_{1:T} ) is a feature vector for CRF and structured SVM