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The template disambiguator for dependent names

cppreference Dependent names # The template disambiguator for dependent names

Similarly, in a template definition, a dependent name that is not a member of the current instantiation is not considered to be a template name unless the disambiguation keyword template is used or unless it was already established as a template name:

template<typename T>
struct S
    template<typename U> void foo()

template<typename T>
void bar()
    S<T> s;<T>(); // error: < parsed as less than operator
    s.template foo<T>(); // OK


#include "stddef.h" // size_t
#include <vector>

typedef struct SFieldInfo
     * 字段在结构体中的偏移位置
    size_t m_iOffset;

class CStructRtti

    std::vector<SFieldInfo> m_FieldMetaList;
    template<typename ValueType>
    const ValueType* GetValue(void *Data, int Index) const
        const SFieldInfo &FieldMeta = m_FieldMetaList[Index];
        size_t iOffset = FieldMeta.m_iOffset;
        char *DataStartAddress = reinterpret_cast<char*>(Data) + iOffset;
        return reinterpret_cast<const ValueType*>(DataStartAddress);

class CTableInterface
     * 列信息
    CStructRtti *m_Columns { nullptr };
    virtual double GetDouble(size_t RowID, size_t ColID)=0;

template<typename RowType>
class CTableImpl: public CTableInterface
    RowType m_Row { };
    double GetDouble(size_t RowID, size_t ColID) override
        return *m_Columns->template GetValue<double>(&m_Row, ColID); // 必须要使用 The `template` disambiguator for dependent names

struct SRow


int main()
    CTableImpl<SRow> t;
    t.GetDouble(1, 1);
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

Derived class template CRTP

#include <iostream>

template<typename UstTag, typename SpiType>
class CUstApi
    template<typename ServiceImpl, typename ServiceTrait>
    struct CServiceRspBase

        int Run()
            std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
            // 回调
            return static_cast<ServiceImpl*>(this)->CallBack();

template<typename UstTag, typename SpiType>
class CUstApiImpl: public CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>
    template<typename ServiceTrait>
    struct CServiceMultiSpanRsp: CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>::template CServiceRspBase<CServiceMultiSpanRsp<ServiceTrait>, ServiceTrait>
        friend typename CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>:: template CServiceRspBase<CServiceMultiSpanRsp<ServiceTrait>, ServiceTrait>;
        int CallBack()
            std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
            return 0;

    class CTestServiceTrait
    void Test()
        CServiceMultiSpanRsp<CTestServiceTrait> s;

struct TestUstTag
struct TestSpiType

int main()
    CUstApiImpl<TestUstTag, TestSpiType> Api;
// g++ test.cpp -Wall -pedantic

如果将 struct CServiceMultiSpanRsp: CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>::CServiceRspBase<CServiceMultiSpanRsp<ServiceTrait>, ServiceTrait> 中的 template 拿掉,则编译报错如下:

test.cpp:29:57: error: non-template CServiceRspBase used as template
  struct CServiceMultiSpanRsp: CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>::CServiceRspBase<CServiceMultiSpanRsp<ServiceTrait>, ServiceTrait>
test.cpp:29:57: note: use CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>::template CServiceRspBase to indicate that it is a template
test.cpp:39:3: error: expected { before ; token
test.cpp:29:57: 错误:非模板‘CServiceRspBase’用作模板
  struct CServiceMultiSpanRsp: CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>::CServiceRspBase<CServiceMultiSpanRsp<ServiceTrait>, ServiceTrait>
test.cpp:29:57: 附注:使用‘CUstApi<UstTag, SpiType>::template CServiceRspBase’来表示这是一个模板
test.cpp:39:3: 错误:expected { before ; token