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Object layout

c++标准对object layout的定义是在有进行变更的,下面首先反思变更历程,然后再来具体的思考各种object layout。

What is object layout


object本质上是a region of storage

现在我们思考这个问题:C++ compiler如何来编排object的"region of storage"?这就是**object layout**?其实这个问题涉及到了C++ ABI,下面是object layout需要考虑的:

考虑内容 说明
endianess 这在工程hardware的CPU\Endianess章节对此进行了说明
alignment C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object\Object.md的"Alignment"章节
C++提供的很多高级特性的实现 比如:
- polymorphic type,polymorphic type有virtual functions
需要RTTI、virtual method table
- virtual base classes
compiler optimization
subobjects C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object\Object.md的的“subobjects”有对它的描述;
在cppreference Derived classes中,有对它的讨论
platform 需要考虑平台相关的信息

需要考虑的问题非常多,出于各种考虑,C++标准并没有对object layout的方方面面都进行统一规定,而是将一些留给了C++ implementation去自由地选择。关于这一点,在文章microsoft Trivial, standard-layout, POD, and literal types中进行了说明:

The term layout refers to how the members of an object of class, struct or union type are arranged in memory. In some cases, the layout is well-defined by the language specification. But when a class or struct contains certain C++ language features such as virtual base classes, virtual functions, members with different access control, then the compiler is free to choose a layout. That layout may vary depending on what optimizations are being performed and in many cases the object might not even occupy a contiguous area of memory.

关于implementation-defined的object layout参见:

  • C-and-C++\From-source-code-to-exec\ABI\Itanium-Cpp-ABI中进行了描述。

关于polymorphic type,参见:

  • C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-system\Type-system#Polymorphic type


虽然C++标准并没有对object layout进行统一的定义,但是定义了几类object layout,下面描述C++标准定义的几类object layout,以及标准的变更:

维基百科C++11#Modification to the definition of plain old data

In C++03, a class or struct must follow a number of rules for it to be considered a plain old data (POD) type. Types that fit this definition produce object layouts that are compatible with C, and they could also be initialized statically.

NOTE: POD有如下特征:

  • compatible with C
  • initialized statically

C++11 relaxed several of the POD rules, by dividing the POD concept into two separate concepts: trivial and standard-layout.

NOTE: trivial的含义是“普通的、平凡的”


A type that is trivial can be statically initialized. It also means that it is valid to copy data around via memcpy, rather than having to use a copy constructor. The lifetime of a trivial type begins when its storage is defined, not when a constructor completes.

NOTE: “A type that is trivial can be statically initialized"意味着它的constructor是default、implicitly defined,不能是user-defined,也就是下面所说的trivial default constructor,否则就无法实现**statically initialized**

trivial type的核心特征:

  • can be statically initialized

  • copy data around via memcpy (是否意味着它是可以implicit creation?参见C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object\

NOTE: “not when a constructor completes”要如何理解?trivial type的destructor必须是trivial destructor

NOTE: 上面所描述的其实就是Named requirement TrivialType、Named requirement TriviallyCopyable

A trivial class or struct is defined as one that:

  1. Has a trivial default constructor. This may use the default constructor syntax (SomeConstructor() = default;).
  2. Has trivial copy and move constructors, which may use the default syntax.
  3. Has trivial copy and move assignment operators, which may use the default syntax.
  4. Has a trivial destructor, which must not be virtual.

NOTE: Named requirement TrivialType的描述是比上述描述要清晰易懂的,它将上述2、3、4,定义为Named requirement TriviallyCopyable

Constructors are trivial only if there are no virtual member functions of the class and no virtual base classes. Copy/move operations also require all non-static data members to be trivial.

NOTE: 这里对trivial的含义进行了描述,显然trivial是不允许virtual的。


A type that is standard-layout means that it orders and packs its members in a way that is compatible with C. A class or struct is standard-layout, by definition, provided:

NOTE: *standard-layout*的核心特征:

  • compatible with C
  1. It has no virtual functions

  2. It has no virtual base classes

  3. All its non-static data members have the same access control (public, private, protected)

  4. All its non-static data members, including any in its base classes, are in the same one class in the hierarchy

NOTE:所有的“non-static data members”都在同一个类中

  1. The above rules also apply to all the base classes and to all non-static data members in the class hierarchy

  2. It has no base classes of the same type as the first defined non-static data member

NOTE: 显然,standard-layout type不是trivial type,它们是正交的概念。

上面所述的“compatible with C”的含义是通过->来access data member。

思考:standard-layout type能否像trivial type那样通过memcpy进行copy?结合最后一段的描述来看,这是不符合用途的:standard-layout type是有copy constructor的,所以我们应该使用它的copy constructor,而不是使用memcpy


A class/struct/union is considered POD if it is trivial, standard-layout, and all of its non-static data members and base classes are PODs.

By separating these concepts, it becomes possible to give up one without losing the other. A class with complex move and copy constructors may not be trivial, but it could be standard-layout and thus interoperate with C. Similarly, a class with public and private non-static data members would not be standard-layout, but it could be trivial and thus memcpy-able.

stackoverflow trivial vs. standard layout vs. POD


struct N { // neither trivial nor standard-layout
   int i;
   int j;
    virtual ~N();

struct T { // trivial but not standard-layout,non-static data member的access right不同
    int i;
    int j;

struct SL { // standard-layout but not trivial,因为它的destructor不是trivial的
    int i;
    int j;

struct POD { // both trivial and standard-layout
    int i;
    int j;

microsoft Trivial, standard-layout, POD, and literal types

NOTE: 这篇文章,主要是对这些概念进行详细的分析

The term layout refers to how the members of an object of class, struct or union type are arranged in memory. In some cases, the layout is well-defined by the language specification. But when a class or struct contains certain C++ language features such as virtual base classes, virtual functions, members with different access control, then the compiler is free to choose a layout. That layout may vary depending on what optimizations are being performed and in many cases the object might not even occupy a contiguous area of memory.

NOTE: 上诉“member”所指为data member

To enable compilers as well as C++ programs and metaprograms to reason about the suitability of any given type for operations that depend on a particular memory layout, C++14 introduced three categories of simple classes and structs: trivial, standard-layout, and POD or Plain Old Data. The Standard Library has the function templates is_trivial , is_standard_layout and is_pod that determine whether a given type belongs to a given category.

NOTE: 上述metaprogram所指的是c++的template metaprogramming,参见C-family-language\C++\Language-reference\Template\

Trivial types

When a class or struct in C++ has compiler-provided or explicitly defaulted special member functions, then it is a trivial type.

NOTE: 上面这段话中的“explicitly defaulted special member functions”,所指为类似如下的做法:

Trivial2() = default;

Trivial types have a trivial default constructor, trivial copy constructor, trivial copy assignment operator and trivial destructor. In each case, trivial means the constructor/operator/destructor is not user-provided and belongs to a class that has

  • no virtual functions or virtual base classes,
  • no base classes with a corresponding non-trivial constructor/operator/destructor
  • no data members of class type with a corresponding non-trivial constructor/operator/destructor

NOTE: 上面这段话解释了trivial的含义

The following examples show trivial types. In Trivial2, the presence of the Trivial2(int a, int b) constructor requires that you provide a default constructor. For the type to qualify as trivial, you must explicitly default that constructor.

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

struct Trivial
   int i;
   int j;

struct Trivial2
   int i;
   Trivial2(int a, int b) : i(a), j(b) {}
   Trivial2() = default;
   int j;   // Different access control

int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << std::is_trivial<Trivial>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_trivial<Trivial2>::value << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp




Standard layout types

Standard-layout types can have user-defined special member functions. In addition, standard layout types have these characteristics:

  • no virtual functions or virtual base classes

  • all non-static data members have the same access control

  • all non-static members of class type are standard-layout

  • any base classes are standard-layout

  • has no base classes of the same type as the first non-static data member.

NOTE: 这段话要怎么理解?base class中和derived class中不允许使用相同的type来作为first non-static data member。

  • meets one of these conditions:

  • no non-static data member in the most-derived class and no more than one base class with non-static data members, or

  • has no base classes with non-static data members
struct SL
    // All members have same access:
    int i;
    int j;
    SL(int a, int b)
            : i(a), j(b)
    } // User-defined constructor OK
int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << std::is_standard_layout<SL>::value << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp




The last two requirements can perhaps be better illustrated with code. In the next example, even though Base is standard-layout, Derived is not standard layout because both it (the most derived class) and Base have non-static data members:

struct Base
    int i;
    int j;

// std::is_standard_layout<<Derived> == false!
struct Derived: public Base
    int x;
    int y;

int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << std::is_standard_layout<Derived>::value << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp




In this example Derived is standard-layout because Base has no non-static data members:

struct Base
    void Foo()

// std::is_standard_layout<<Derived> == true
struct Derived: public Base
    int x;
    int y;
int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << std::is_standard_layout<Derived>::value << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp




POD types

#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct B
    virtual void Foo()

// Neither trivial nor standard-layout
struct A: B
    int a;
    int b;
    void Foo() override
    } // Virtual function

// Trivial but not standard-layout
struct C
    int a;
    int b;   // Different access control

// Standard-layout but not trivial
struct D
    int a;
    int b;
    //User-defined constructor

struct POD
    int a;
    int b;

int main()
    cout << boolalpha;
    cout << "A is trivial is " << is_trivial<A>() << endl; // false
    cout << "A is standard-layout is " << is_standard_layout<A>() << endl;  // false

    cout << "C is trivial is " << is_trivial<C>() << endl; // true
    cout << "C is standard-layout is " << is_standard_layout<C>() << endl;  // false

    cout << "D is trivial is " << is_trivial<D>() << endl;  // false
    cout << "D is standard-layout is " << is_standard_layout<D>() << endl; // true

    cout << "POD is trivial is " << is_trivial<POD>() << endl; // true
    cout << "POD is standard-layout is " << is_standard_layout<POD>() << endl; // true

    return 0;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

Literal types

A literal type is one whose layout can be determined at compile time. The following are the literal types:

  • void
  • scalar types
  • references
  • Arrays of void, scalar types or references
  • A class that has a trivial destructor, and one or more constexpr constructors that are not move or copy constructors. Additionally, all its non-static data members and base classes must be literal types and not volatile.

Default member initializers

在cppreference Non-static data members#Member initialization中介绍了default member initializers,那需要思考一下:

如果使用default member initializer,那么这个类是否依然是trivial、standard layout、POD?


Trivial type

在microsoft Trivial, standard-layout, POD, and literal types # Trivial types中给出的条件中,已经包含了对这种情况的说明:

Trivial types have a trivial default constructor, trivial copy constructor, trivial copy assignment operator and trivial destructor.

查看cppreference trivial default constructor,可以看到其中有这样的条件:

  • T has no non-static members with default initializers. (since C++11)

所以,一旦使用了default member initializer,则不再是**trivial type**了。


#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

struct NonTrivial
    int i { 0 }; // default member initializer
    int j;

struct NonTrivial2
    int i { 0 }; // default member initializer
    NonTrivial2(int a, int b)
            : i(a), j(b)
    NonTrivial2() = default;
    int j;   // Different access control

int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << std::is_trivial<NonTrivial>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_trivial<NonTrivial2>::value << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp



Standard layout

struct SL
    // All members have same access:
    int i { 1 }; // default member initializer
    int j;
    SL(int a, int b)
            : i(a), j(b)
    } // User-defined constructor OK
int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << std::is_standard_layout<SL>::value << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp



所以,default member initializer并不影响**standard layout**了。

Named requirements of layout

NOTE: 有了前面的基础,现在阅读cppreference Named requirements中关于layout的描述就容易了。

cppreference TrivialType (C++11)

cppreference StandardLayoutType (C++11)

cppreference PODType

cppreference Non-static data members#Standard layout


What are POD types in C++?