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本节是我对cppreference Lifetime 总结、梳理,能够帮助读者快速地掌握cppreference Lifetime 中的内容。

本节内容(Object lifetime)是非常重要的,正如在C++\Guide\Order章节所总结的:


Object lifetime就是典型的以"order"来对object进行描述;object是C family language的核心概念,C family language对object lifetime进行了非常详细的定义,通过它,我们能够将涉及到的内容有机地串联起来,形成一个统一的整体。

Lifetime of an object

下面是以表格的形式展示的Lifetime of an object,相比于cppreference Lifetime ,它更加的清晰、直观。

activity 说明 章节
allocation 这其实是**object creation**,会为object分配storage C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object\Object.md的"Object creation"章节
initialization/construction 初始化object C++\Language-reference\Initialization
deinitialization/destruction 反初始化object
deallocation 回收object的storage



问题 说明
1) 发生时间 对于不同的object,它的上述四个activity发生的时间是不同的;
比如不同的storage duration,它的上述activity发生的时间截然不同
2) 具体流程 对于不同类型的object,它的上述四个activity的具体流程是不同的;
比如OOP object,它的initialization涉及到了很多问题;


章节 说明
C++\Language-reference\Classes\Lifetime 描述OOP object的lifetime
C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object-with-static-storage-duration 描述object with static storage duration的lifetime
C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object-with-thread-local-storage-duration 描述object with thread local storage duration的lifetime


cppreference Lifetime 的内容是比较杂乱的,因此有必要梳理清楚:

主题 注解
Lifetime of object - explicitly created object
- implicitly created objects of implicit-lifetime types
- Temporary object
- Lifetime of objects of OOP class type(C++是支持OOP的,所以它需要对objects of OOP class type的initialization、deinitialization进行准确的定义)
Lifetime of reference


关于"OOP class type",参见C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-system\OOP-class-type

主题 注解
Object and storage 原文中并没有"Object and storage"这样的标题,它源于在C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Object\,在cppreference Lifetime中,其实也围绕着这个主题展开了讨论:
- Storage reuse: 同一个storage,可以用于多个object
- 对lifetime of object和storageduration的关系进行了说明
Access outside of lifetime 这是一种常见的error,这种error是和lifetime相关的,非常有必要学习

cppreference Lifetime

Lifetime of an explicitly created object

NOTE: 仅仅描述了大体的流程,并不涉及具体细节


activity explanation 注解
allocation storage with the proper alignment and size for its type is obtained
initialization its initialization (if any) is complete 原文对此有更加详细的讨论


The lifetime of an object ends when:

1) if it is of a non-class type, the object is destroyed (maybe via a pseudo-destructor call) (since C++20), or

2) if it is of a class type, the destructor call starts, or

NOTE: 上面两段话,简单来说:

对于Non-OOP object,它们一般没有deinitialization;

对于OOP object,它的deinitialization对应的是它的destructor;

3) the storage which the object occupies is released, or is reused by an object that is not nested within it.

NOTE: 参见下面的"Storage reuse"段

关于non-class type、class type,参见C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-system

Lifetime of an implicitly created object

Some operations implicitly create objects of implicit-lifetime types (see below) in given region of storage and start their lifetime.

中文意思: 一些操作隐式地在给定的存储区域中创建隐含生命期类型的对象(见下面),并启动它们的生命期。

Lifetime of reference

The lifetime of a reference begins when its initialization is complete and ends as if it were a scalar object.

NOTE: 关于scalar type,参见C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-system

Note: the lifetime of the referred object may end before the end of the lifetime of the reference, which makes dangling references possible.

NOTE: 关于dangling reference,参见C++\Language-reference\Reference\Reference章节。

Lifetime of objects of OOP class type

Lifetimes of non-static data members and base subobjects begin and end following class initialization order.

NOTE: 原文关于此,仅仅是简单的一笔带过,其实这其中包含着发出多的内容,在C++\Language-reference\Classes\Lifetime章节对它进行了具体的描述。

Implicit-lifetime types

NOTE: 是否是trivially-copyable type?

Temporary object lifetime


理解原文的内容的一个非常关键的点是: 理解C++17 Temporary materialization 特性,这个特性改变了Temporary object lifetime的规则。因此,原文中关于"Temporary object lifetime"的讨论分为了两部分:

1) C++17前

2) C++17


另外一个非常重要的是: C++是支持reference to temporary的,所以可以结合cppreference Reference initialization来理解本节内容。


Temporary objects are created in the following situations:

1) binding a reference to a prvalue


Example: 来源cppreference Reference initialization#Explanation :

const std::string& rs = "abc"; // rs refers to temporary copy-initialized from char array
const double& rcd2 = 2;        // rcd2 refers to temporary with value 2.0

2) initializing an object of type std::initializer_list<T> from a braced-init-list (since C++11)

NOTE: Example: 源自cppreference Functions:

#include <iostream>
// function name: "isodd"
// parameter list has one parameter, with name "n" and type int
// the return type is bool
bool isodd(int n)
{                      // the body of the function begins
  return n % 2;
}                      // the body of the function ends
int main()
  for (int arg : { -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 })
      std::cout << isodd(arg) << ' '; // isodd called 7 times, each
                                      // time n is copy-initialized from arg
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp
until C++17

3) returning a prvalue from a function

NOTE: 没有例子,不好理解

4) conversion that creates a prvalue (including T(a,b,c) and T{})

5) lambda expression (since C++11)

NOTE: 为什么lambda expression是temporary?

6) copy-initialization that requires conversion of the initializer

NOTE: 转换过程中,会创建一个temporary

7) reference-initialization to a different but convertible type or to a bitfield.

NOTE: 转换过程中,会创建一个temporary

since C++17

TODO: 这部分内容暂时不考虑


All temporary objects are destroyed as the last step in evaluating the full-expression that (lexically) contains the point where they were created, and if multiple temporary objects were created, they are destroyed in the order opposite to the order of creation. This is true even if that evaluation ends in throwing an exception.

There are two exceptions from that:

1) The lifetime of a temporary object may be extended by binding to a const lvalue reference or to an rvalue reference (since C++11), see reference initialization for details.

2) The lifetime of a temporary object created when evaluating the default arguments of a default constructor used to initialize an element of an array ends before the next element of the array begins initialization. (since C++11)

NOTE: 没有读懂

Object and storage

本节的标题继承自C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Object\Object.md中的同名章节,本节结合cppreference Lifetime 中的内容,从lifetime的角度对Object and storage之间的关系进行论述:

Lifetime of an object is equal to or is nested within the lifetime of its storage, see storage duration.

"nested"是因为: Storage reuse: 同一个storage,可以用于多个object,即存在object已经end了,但是storage还存在。

TODO Storage reuse

NOTE: 这段内容是值得一读的

Access outside of lifetime

NOTE: 这是一种常见的memory error,它和 object lifetime相关的,这部分内容放到了 Ordering-and-object-lifetime\Access-outside-of-object-lifetime 中。