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What is object?

cppreference中的"object"是指“region of storage”,在C中,有同样的概念,参见creference Objects and alignment

cppreference中的"object"是一个 runtime 概念,因为只有当program运行的时候,object才会被创建。

NOTE: 上面这段话的是不准确的,c++语言充分发挥了compile-time computation,所有有多object是在compile-time时就已经创建了



cppreference中,习惯使用"storage"这个词语,它其实是对memory的一个更加抽象的描述,即它摒弃了实现细节,这是programming language的language reference中惯常的做法,因为对于像C++这样的general purpose programming language,它并不specific to某种具体的实现。所以读者需要对这种表达方式习惯。


Design to an abstraction principle;

参见: Theory\Programming-language\Design-of-programming-language

Object and OOP object

需要注意的是,cppreference中的 object 并不是我们 object-oriented programming 中所指的 object(参见Theory\Programming-paradigm\Object-oriented-programming);后面为了便于区分,当两者同时出现的时候,将OOP中的object称为OOP object,将object称为memory object;默认情况下,object指的是memory object;

Object and storage

本节概括object 和 storage的关系:

1) An object is a region of storage: 一个object占据a region of storage

2) Storage reuse: a region of storage can be reused

在下面章节中,也对storage reuse进行了讨论:

Lifetime#Storage reuse

cppreference Object#Implicit creation

3) cppreference Lifetime:

Lifetime of an object is equal to or is nested within the lifetime of its storage, see storage duration.

4) cppreference Object:

lifetime (bounded by storage duration or temporary);

NOTE: 在./Lifetime-and-storage-duration中,对3)、4)进行说明。

Object是C++ programming language的核心概念

1、C++允许programmer控制memory(give control)的权利

NOTE: 对memory的control是C++的一个强项,Java、Python等都是做不到的。

上诉是从control theory的角度来分析的。

2、在C++ programming language的设计规范中,使用更加高级的、更加抽象的"object"抽象概念来对memory、data进行统一描述,object是C++的data model 、data abstraction(在 Bjarne Stroustrup's definition of C++ 中,提及了data abstraction这个词 )


1、design to an abstraction

2、Bjarne Stroustrup's definition of C++: "a general-purpose programming language [...] that supports procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming."

draft: C++很多内容都是建立在object上的



2、MOVE:cross scope,即越过scope的限制

3、dangling pointer、dangling reference

4、Value semantic and reference semantic是建立在object上的



1、zhihu 如何评价 C++11 的右值引用(Rvalue reference)特性? - zihuatanejo的回答 - 知乎

cppreference Object

C++ programs create, destroy, refer to, access, and manipulate objects.

NOTE: 在上一节我们描述了C++ program的组成(是静态的、compile-time的),上面这段话描述了C++ program在runtime所做的事情。上述描述和C的Objects and alignment中的描述相同。


  • create
  • destroy
  • refer to
  • access
  • stored in arrays
  • copied
  • assigned
  • ......


关于object operation,参见 Object-operation 章节。

Object property

NOTE: 原文并没有本节的标题,这个标题是我添加的,目的是便于后续引用

An object, in C++ , is a region of storage that (until C++14) has

property 注解
size (can be determined with sizeof) static
alignment requirement (can be determined with alignof) static
type static
value (which may be indeterminate, e.g. for default-initialized non-class types); static
optionally, a name. static temporary object没有name
storage duration dynamic
lifetime (bounded by storage duration or temporary); dynamic “bounded ”的含义是“由...决定”


lifetime and Storage duration 是密切相关的,在C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object\Object-lifetime-and-storage-duration中对此进行了描述。

关于static property,在下面的"Type determines everything"节中进行了讨论。

The following entities are not objects: value, reference, function, enumerator, type, non-static class member, template, class or function template specialization, namespace, parameter pack, and this.

NOTE: 上面这段话有些多余,按照Basic concepts中的描述,object和这些entity之间是并列关系,所以显然它们都不是object。



cppreference Pointer declaration#Pointer to function:

Unlike functions or references to functions, pointers to functions are objects and thus can be stored in arrays, copied, assigned, etc.

cpprefrence Reference declaration

References are not objects; they do not necessarily occupy storage, although the compiler may allocate storage if it is necessary to implement the desired semantics (e.g. a non-static data member of reference type usually increases the size of the class by the amount necessary to store a memory address).

Because references are not objects, there are no arrays of references, no pointers to references, and no references to references:


A variable is an object or a reference that is not a non-static data member, that is introduced by a declaration.

NOTE: “ a reference that is not a non-static data member”这段话是比较绕的,“non-static data member”指的是class的哪些没有使用static修饰的data member,“not a non-static data member”就相当于是否定的否定是肯定,即是static data member,则它的意思是:variable可以是static data member。

Variable and object



learncpp 1.3 — Introduction to variables

Object creation

NOTE: 原文中将object creation方式分为如下两大类:

  • Explicit creation
  • Implicit creation

另外一种分类标准是: 根据object是否由programmer主动(active)创建:

active creation 主动创建;
C++ language赋予programmer的创建object的所有的方式,包括了下面的Explicit creation、Implicit creation中描述的各种方式,temporary除外
non-active creation 非主动创建;
object不是由programmer主动create的,而是在expression evaluation过程中自动创建的,C++将其称为temporary

原文本节对C++ language赋予programmer主动地create object的所有方式进行了非常全面的总结。

Explicit creation

classification 注解
definitions declaration不创建 object,这是它和definition的重要区别
changing the active member of a union
evaluating expressions that require temporary objects 意思是: 这类object是在expression evaluation过程中自动创建的,C++将其称为temporary

NOTE: Temporary object 是否属于 explicit creation?是的,上述表格的最后一行就是对这种情况的描述。

cppreference Lifetime#Temporary object lifetime中介绍了creation of temporary objects。

Implicit creation


1、object本质上是 a region of storage ,因此宽泛的说: 任何storage都可以用作object。

2、Implicit creation本质上其实是给定 a region of storage,然后将它deserialization为指定type的object(关于deserialization,参见后面的"Serialization and deserialization"章节),这种做法是非常类似于C中的做法;

3、placement new


NOTE: 只有 implicit-lifetime types 才能够implicit creation。implicit creation和object layout是否有关联?我觉得是有关联的,原因如下:

1) C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Data-model\Object\Object-layout\Object-layout中描述的trivial type是可以使用memcpy的,并且其中还讨论了lifetime

2) implicit-lifetime types 中提及了trivial

所以,我觉得 implicit-lifetime types 应该和 TriviallyCopyable 有关。

Objects of implicit-lifetime types can also be implicitly created by

objects are created in storage 注解
the array an array of type char, unsigned char, or std::byte, (since C++17)
the allocated storage allocating functions:
- operator new
- operator new[]
- std::malloc
- std::calloc
- std::realloc
- std::aligned_alloc
the destination region of storage or the result object representation copying functions:
- std::memcpy
- std::memmove
- std::bit_cast
其实是storage reuse
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
struct X
    int a, b;
X* MakeX()
    // One of possible defined behaviors:
    // the call to std::malloc implicitly creates an object of type X
    // and its subobjects a and b, and returns a pointer to that X object
    X *p = static_cast<X*>(std::malloc(sizeof(X)));
    p->a = 1;
    p->b = 2;
    return p;
int main(void)

    X *x = MakeX();
    std::cout << x->a << std::endl;
    std::cout << x->b << std::endl;
// g++ test.cpp

NOTE: 是否需要考虑alignment问题?

Object representation and value representation

For an object of type T, object representation is the sequence of sizeof(T) objects of type unsigned char (or, equivalently, std::byte) beginning at the same address as the T object.


前面我们已经知道了,object本质上是*a region of storage*,所谓的object representation,其实就是 a region of storage,后面我们将这个过程称为**Serialization** (关于**Serialization** ,参见后面的"Serialization and deserialization"章节))


如何查看object representation?


按照“Serialization and deserialization”节的说法,这个过程叫做Serialization。

NOTE: 原文关于value representation和object representation之间关系的讨论对象是TriviallyCopyable types,而不是所有的type,这一点和C中关于这个话题的讨论是不同的,C中讨论并没有区分type,也就是说C中所有的type都可以按照其中讨论的value representation和object representation;

C++中关于value representation和object representation之间关系的讨论对象仅仅局限于TriviallyCopyable types,而不是所有的type这是源于C++语言的复杂性,C++标准没有描述一些C++ feature的实现,所以标准无法统一地描述各种type的object representation和value representation之间的关系。

关于trivial type,参见:


#include <cassert>
struct S
    char c;  // 1 byte value
             // 3 bytes padding (assuming alignof(float) == 4)
    float f; // 4 bytes value (assuming sizeof(float) == 4)
    bool operator==(const S& arg) const
    { // value-based equality
        return c == arg.c && f == arg.f;

void f()
    assert(sizeof(S) == 8);
    S s1 = { 'a', 3.14 };
    S s2 = s1;
    reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&s1)[2] = 'b'; // change 2nd byte of padding
    assert(s1 == s2); // value did not change
int main()
// g++ test.cpp

NOTE: 编译: g++ test.cpp


NOTE: 原文定义了如下概念:


complete object,显然*complete object*和*subobjects*是两个相反的概念

most derived objects,所谓most derived,其实可以从class hierarchy来理解,最最顶端的是root class,most derived class,显然就是叶子节点了

An object can have subobjects. These include

member objects 这源于C++对OOP支持
base class subobjects 这源于C++对OOP支持;
在cppreference Derived classes中对这个进行了介绍
array elements

NOTE: subobject是典型的sub structure(参见工程discrete的Guide\Relation-structure-computation\Computation\Induction-and-Recursion\Recursion\Recursive-definition.md章节),它是containing关系。

Polymorphic objects

NOTE: 根据polymorphism,可以将C++ object分为两类:

1、non-polymorphic objects

2、polymorphic objects

Objects of a class type that declares or inherits at least one virtual function are polymorphic objects. Within each polymorphic object, the implementation stores additional information (in every existing implementation, it is one pointer unless optimized out), which is used by virtual function calls and by the RTTI features (dynamic_cast and typeid) to determine, at run time, the type with which the object was created, regardless of the expression it is used in.

NOTE: Polymorphic objects不是TriviallyCopyable ,其实这是因为polymorphic type不是trivial type。

上面这段话还描述了C++ runtime polymorphism的实现,这部分内容在ABI中会进行详细的介绍。

For non-polymorphic objects, the interpretation of the value is determined from the expression in which the object is used, and is decided at compile time.

NOTE: 原文中的例子移到了C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-system\ type

Strict aliasing

NOTE: 将strict aliasing放到了Strict-aliasing章节中。


NOTE: 将alignment放到了Object-alignment-requirement章节中。

Interpretion of memory representation


1、在Polymorphic objects段:

For non-polymorphic objects, the interpretation of the value is determined from the expression in which the object is used, and is decided at compile time.

2、reinterpret_cast conversion

Converts between types by reinterpreting the underlying bit pattern.