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The dynamic_cast

First thing you need to know about RTTI is, that it doesn’t work for the non-polymorphic types.

NOTE: 这是作者列举的大多数人的错误认知,后面它会对此进行修正

And it turns out, that dynamic_cast can work for non-polymorphic types. How is that even possible? The answer is simple – not every case, that dynamic_cast handles, needs RTTI. We will prove that later on in the article.

NOTE: 上面这段话描述的是正确的结论,它的大致意思是:dynamic_cast可以用于多种情形,当需要RTTI的时候,它才需要入参的type是polymorphic type,因为只有polymorphic type才有RTTI。

Example: downcast

struct B
struct D: B
int main()
    B* ptr = new D;
// g++ test.cpp

NOTE: 上述程序编译报错如下:

test.cpp: 在函数‘int main()’中:
test.cpp:5:25: 错误:无法将‘ptr’从类型‘B*’动态转换到类型‘struct D*(源类型不是多态的)

The above snippet requires RTTI mechanism to ensure safety in your program. After all, you can try to cast to a different derived type, which is not a dynamic type of a pointer you are trying to cast. This case is handled by the dynamic_cast by returning nullptr or throwing the std::bad_cast exception (depending on whether you cast a pointer or a reference). Since type B has got no virtual function, then this is non-polymorphic type and RTTI cannot be used. This causes compilation error – dynamic_cast wants to use RTTI, but it can’t do so.

So now let’s try also to cast types the other way around, so from the derived to the base class. The snippet below represents that situation.

Example: upcast

struct B
struct D: B
int main()
    D* ptr = new D;
    delete ptr;
// g++ test.cpp

NOTE: 上述程序可以正常编译通过

This works correctly. After all, even implicit cast would be fine here, but dynamic_cast also won’t complain. Why is that? The fact, that the cast is safe is known by the compiler at compile time. This means, that dynamic_cast does not need to use RTTI.

We can say in general, that dynamic_cast is a tool for moving around the inheritance tree – up and down. Whether the dynamic_cast uses RTTI depends only on whether the particular case needs it.

Using dynamic_cast can also make our intentions clearer. Whenever we say dynamic_cast, the reader knows we intend to cast to the base or derived class. Whenever we say static_cast, on the other hand, we know we mainly mean to perform some arithmetic casts, converting constructor calls or the user’s conversion operators.

The dynamic_cast, you (probably) didn’t know


We said, that dynamic_cast is dedicated for moving around the inheritance tree. One of such moves is a move to the most derived object. With C++ we can perform such move even without knowing the most derived object’s type. And this is where dynamic_cast can be used. Let’s have a look at an example:

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

struct B
    int a;
    int b;
    virtual ~B() = default;
struct C
    int a;
    int b;
    virtual ~C() = default;
struct D: C, B
    int c;
    int d;
int main()
    // ptrd、ptrb、ptrc 的值并不相同
    D* ptrd = new D;
    B* ptrb = ptrd;
    C* ptrc = ptrd;
    std::cout << ptrb << std::endl;
    std::cout << ptrc << std::endl;
    std::cout << ptrd << std::endl;
    assert(dynamic_cast<void*>(ptrb) == ptrd);
    assert(dynamic_cast<void*>(ptrc) == ptrd);
    delete ptrd;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 输出如下:


In this case, the ptrb will have different value, than ptrd, since B is the subobject of D (and therefore its address will have some offset from the beginning of the object D).

This, of course, needs the information about the type in the runtime, since we might not know what’s the exact type of the most derived object. For this reason structures B and C have virtual destructors (RTTI on those types must be possible).

Ambiguous casts

Did you ever wonder, what if some object of type (let’s say) D would inherit twice from the type B and we would like to cast it to this type?

Let’s have a look at the example of such cast:

cppreference dynamic_cast

Safely converts pointers and references to classes up, down, and sideways(平级) along the inheritance hierarchy.

NOTE: 操作对象:pointer and reference


If the cast is successful, dynamic_cast returns a value of type new-type. If the cast fails and new-type is a pointer type, it returns a null pointer of that type. If the cast fails and new-type is a reference type, it throws an exception that matches a handler of type std::bad_cast.

NOTE: 从上述对“cast fail”情况的讨论:

  • 如果new-type是pointer type,则return null pointer
  • 如果new-type是reference type,则throw exception

可以看出pointer 和 reference的差异所在:存在null pointer,但是不存在reference to nothing,所以在reference type的情况下,只能够throw exception。

1) Add constness

2) Null pointer value

3) Upcast

Note: an implicit conversion and static_cast can perform this conversion as well.

4) To the most derived object

NOTE:关于这一点,在cppreference Pointer declaration#Pointer to void中也描述了,相比而言,那里的描述更加容易理解,结合来看,我们知道这种情况下的返回值为:

a void* that is pointing at the complete object of the most derived type


在文章panicsoftware DYNAMIC_CAST AND TYPEID AS (NON) RTTI TOOLS.中给出了例子:

5) dynamic downcast
