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cppreference Implicit conversions


1、在阅读本文前,建议先阅读accu Overload Resolution - Selecting the Function,在C++\Language-reference\Functions\Overload-resolution\accu-Overload-Resolution中收录了这篇文章,并对其进行了详细注解。

Implicit conversions are performed whenever an expression of some type T1 is used in context that does not accept that type, but accepts some other type T2; in particular:

NOTE: 下面罗列了各种可能的场景

situation 注解
when the expression is used as the argument when calling a function that is declared with T2 as parameter
when the expression is used as an operand with an operator that expects T2 operator其实和前面所述的function是非常类似的(参见C++\Language-reference\Expressions\Operators\index.md中总结的“Operator is a kind of function”思想)
when initializing a new object of type T2, including return statement in a function returning T2 return statement应该说的是这种情况:
T2 Foo(){ return T1 }
when the expression is used in a switch statement (T2 is **integral typ**e)
when the expression is used in an if statement or a loop (T2 is bool)

Order of the conversions


conversion sequence 注解
Implicit conversion sequence
Standard conversion sequence

从下面的描述来看,Implicit conversion sequence 包含:

  • Standard conversion sequence
  • User-defined conversion

Implicit conversion sequence

Implicit conversion sequence consists of the following, in this order:

order explanation 注解
1) zero or one standard conversion sequence;
2) zero or one user-defined conversion; 参见下面的“User-defined conversion”章节
3) zero or one standard conversion sequence.

NOTE: 为了便于理解Implicit conversion sequence的含义,我们看看涉及到它的章节:

章节 内容
user-defined conversion function#Explanation User-defined conversion function is invoked on the second stage of the implicit conversion.
Overload resolution#Ranking of implicit conversion sequences

When considering the argument to a constructor or to a user-defined conversion function, only a standard conversion sequence is allowed (otherwise user-defined conversions could be effectively chained).

NOTE: 上述argument,说明是调用函数的时候;上述constructor、user-defined conversion function,说明是user-defined conversion。


When converting from one built-in type to another built-in type, only a standard conversion sequence is allowed.

Standard conversion sequence

A standard conversion sequence consists of the following, in this order:

order explanation 注解
1) zero or one conversion from the following set:
- lvalue-to-rvalue conversion
- array-to-pointer conversion
- function-to-pointer conversion;
这些conversion是**value transformation**,在下面的”Value transformations“中进行了详细介绍
2) zero or one:
- numeric promotion
- numeric conversion;
3) zero or one function pointer conversion; (since C++17)
4) zero or one qualification conversion.

User-defined conversion

NOTE: 关于User-defined conversion,参见 C++\Language-reference\Classes\Special-member-functions\Constructor\User-defined-conversion 章节

conversion 注解
non-explicit single-argument converting constructor
non-explicit conversion function call


需要注意的是: 本文描述的是implicit conversion,因此它是不允许**explicit conversion**的,在 C++\Language-reference\Classes\Special-member-functions\Constructor\User-defined-conversion 章节中给出了explicit conversion example。

Implicitly convertible

An expression e is said to be implicitly convertible to T2 if and only if T2 can be copy-initialized from e, that is the declaration T2 t = e; is well-formed (can be compiled), for some invented temporary t. Note that this is different from direct initialization (T2 t(e)), where explicit constructors and conversion functions would additionally be considered.

expression initialization conversion
T2 t = e; copy-initialized implicit conversion
T2 t(e) direct initialization explicit conversion

Contextual conversions(since C++11)

**Contextual conversion to bool **:

NOTE: 本节的小标题是我添加的,原文中,并没有。

In the following contexts, the type bool is expected and the implicit conversion is performed if the declaration bool t(e); is well-formed (that is, an explicit conversion function such as explicit T::operator bool() const; is considered). Such expression e is said to be contextually converted to bool.


一、关于bool t(e);,参见上一段。

可以看到,下面描述的这些context,可以看到这些context都是期望bool的,我们可以将它们简称为bool context 。


stackoverflow Conversion function for error checking considered good? # A

In C++11 you can use an explicit conversion:

explicit operator bool() const
    // verify if valid
    return is_valid;

This way you need to be explicit about the conversion to bool, so you can no longer do crazy things by accident (in C++ you can always do crazy things on purpose):

int x = my_object; // does not compile because there's no explicit conversion
bool y = bool(my_object); // an explicit conversion does the trick

This still works as normal in places like if and while that require a boolean expression, because the condition of those statements is contextually converted to bool:

// this uses the explicit conversion "implicitly"
if (my_object)


context 注解
the controlling expression of if, while, for;
the operands of the built-in logical operators !, && and ||;
the first operand of the conditional operator ?:;
the predicate in a static_assert declaration;
the expression in a noexcept specifier;
the expression in an explicit specifier;(since C++20)
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
class zero_init
    T val;
    zero_init() :
    zero_init(T val) :
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    operator T&()
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        return val;
    operator T() const
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        return val;

int main()
    zero_init<int> i;
    assert(i == 0);
    i = 7;
    assert(i == 7);
    switch (i)
    }     // error until C++14 (more than one conversion function)
          // OK since C++14 (both functions convert to the same type int)
    switch (i + 0)
    } // always okay (implicit conversion)
// g++ test.cpp

NOTE: 上述程序编译报错如下:

test.cpp: In function int main():
test.cpp:36:11: error: ambiguous default type conversion from zero_init<int>
  switch (i)
test.cpp:36:11: error:   candidate conversions include zero_init<T>::operator T&() [with T = int] and zero_init<T>::operator T() const [with T = int]


#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
class zero_init
    T val;
    zero_init() :
    zero_init(T val) :
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    operator T&()
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        return val;
    operator T() const
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        return val;

int main()
    zero_init<int> i;
    std::cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << std::endl;
    assert(i == 0);
    std::cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << std::endl;
    i = 7;
    std::cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << std::endl;
    assert(i == 7);
//  switch (i)
//  {
//  }     // error until C++14 (more than one conversion function)
    // OK since C++14 (both functions convert to the same type int)
    std::cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << std::endl;
    switch (i + 0)
    } // always okay (implicit conversion)
// g++ test.cpp

NOTE: 上述程序的输出如下:

test.cpp 33 
zero_init<T>::operator T&() [with T = int]
test.cpp 35 
zero_init<T>::zero_init(T) [with T = int]
test.cpp 37 
zero_init<T>::operator T&() [with T = int]
test.cpp 43 
zero_init<T>::operator T&() [with T = int]

可以看到,选择的conversion function是operator T() const

context-specific type T

In the following contexts, a context-specific type T is expected, and the expression e of class type E is only allowed if E has a single non-explicit user-defined conversion function to an allowable type (until C++14)there is exactly one type T among the allowable types such that E has non-explicit conversion functions whose return types are (possibly cv-qualified) T or reference to (possibly cv-qualified) T, and e is implicitly convertible to T (since C++14).

NOTE: 上面所述的是: E -> T的conversion。需要注意的是,上面这段话虽然说得比较绕,但是它想要表达的意思是非常简单的: 如果有 non-explicit user-define conversion function来实现 E -> T的conversion,则contextual conversion是允许的,这就是下面这段话中所说的: contextually implicitly converted

Such expression e is said to be contextually implicitly converted to the specified type T. Note that explicit conversion functions are not considered, even though they are considered in contextual conversions to bool. (since C++11)

NOTE: 为什么explicit conversion function是不考虑的?这个问题在“User-defined conversion”段中已经回答了。

context explanation 注解
the argument of the delete-expression T is any object pointer type 其实说白了就是delete的时候,如果T是可以可以*contextually implicitly converted* to pointer type的话,则compiler会执行这个conversion
integral constant expression, where a literal class is used T is any integral or unscoped enumeration type, the selected user-defined conversion function must be constexpr 关于constant expression,参见C++\Language-reference\Expressions\Constant-expressions章节
the controlling expression of the switch statement T is any integral or enumeration type

Value transformations

Lvalue to rvalue conversion

NOTE: 参见"Lvalue-to-rvalue-conversion"章节

Array to pointer conversion

NOTE: 参见 Resource-management\Memory-management\Memory-access\Array 章节

C++17 Temporary materialization

Function to pointer

Numeric promotions

Integral conversions

Floating-point conversions

The safe bool problem

NOTE: 这部分内容放到了 operator-bool 章节