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cppreference C++ keywords: auto

版本 Usage
until C++11 automatic storage duration specifier
since C++11 auto placeholder type specifier
function declaration with trailing return type
since C++17 structured binding declaration

microsoft auto (C++)

auto 的 application

1、Return type deduction

2、auto + trailing return type

3、type inference

auto and polymorphism

由于C++ auto 是由compiler执行的,因此,它使用的是static type,因此它是无法支持多态行为的,关于这一点,是我在阅读 时,其中的一个这样的例子:

class B { // BAD: polymorphic base class doesn't suppress copying
    virtual char m() { return 'B'; }
    // ... nothing about copy operations, so uses default ...

class D : public B {
    char m() override { return 'D'; }
    // ...

void f(B& b)
    auto b2 = b; // oops, slices the object; b2.m() will return 'B'

D d;