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wikipedia decltype

In 2002, Bjarne Stroustrup proposed that a standardized version of the operator be added to the C++ language, and suggested the name "decltype", to reflect that the operator would yield the "declared type" of an expression.

NOTE: 所谓“declared type”,其实就是Static type

Like the sizeof operator, decltype's operand is not evaluated.

NOTE: 关于此,参见cppreference Expressions#Unevaluated_expressions


NOTE: 搞清楚motivation非常重要

One of the cited main motivations for the decltype proposal was the ability to write perfect forwarding function templates.[8] It is sometimes desirable to write a generic forwarding function that returns the same type as the wrapped function, regardless of the type it is instantiated with. Without decltype, it is not generally possible to accomplish this.[8] An example, which also utilizes the trailing-return-type:[8]

NOTE: 关于 "perfect forwarding function templates "在microsoft decltype (C++)Decltype and Forwarding Functions (C++11)段中有着非常好的描述。

#include <iostream>
int g_IntValue = 1;
int& foo(int& i)
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    return g_IntValue;
float foo(float& f)
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    return 0.0;

template<class T>
auto transparent_forwarder(T& t) -> decltype(foo(t))
    return foo(t);

int main()
    int i = 0;
    float j = 0.0;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 上述程序的输出如下:

int& foo(int&)
float foo(float&)

decltype is essential here because it preserves the information about whether the wrapped function returns a reference type.[9]

NOTE: 这个例子所展示的是用decltype来实现“generic forwarding function ”


NOTE: 移到了后面的decltype semantic章节。

cppreference decltype specifier


NOTE: 内容比较繁杂

decltype semantic

在上述三篇文章中都描述了decltype semantic。

wikipedia decltype # Semantics

NOTE: 总结的非常好,它从设计者的角度来进行说明,是比较容易帮助初学者准确把握的。

Similarly to the sizeof operator, the operand of decltype is unevaluated.[11] Informally, the type returned by decltype(e) is deduced as follows:[2]

1) If the expression e refers to a variable in local or namespace scope, a static member variable or a function parameter, then the result is that variable's or parameter's declared type

2) Otherwise, if e is an lvalue, decltype(e) is T&, where T is the type of e; if e is an xvalue, the result is T&&; otherwise, e is a prvalue and the result is T.

These semantics were designed to fulfill the needs of generic library writers, while at the same time being intuitive for novice programmers, because the return type of decltype always matches the type of the object or function exactly as declared in the source code.[2]

NOTE: 设计者的角度

More formally, Rule 1 applies to unparenthesized id-expression*s and class member access expressions.[12][13] Example:[12] Note for added lines for bar(). Below the type deduced for "bar()" is plain int, not const int, because **prvalues of non-class types* always have cv-unqualified types, despite the statically declared different type.

NOTE: " prvalues of non-class types always have cv-unqualified types"是非常理所当然的,因此decltype的设计是充分考虑到了所有的情况

const int&& foo();
const int bar();
int i;
struct A
    double x;
const A* a = new A();
decltype(foo()) x1; // type is const int&&
decltype(bar()) x2; // type is int
decltype(i) x3; // type is int
decltype(a->x) x4; // type is double
decltype((a->x)) x5; // type is const double&

The reason for the difference between the latter two invocations of decltype is that the parenthesized expression (a->x) is neither an id-expression nor a member access expression, and therefore does not denote a named object.[14] Because the expression is an lvalue, its deduced type is "reference to the type of the expression", or const double&.[11]

NOTE: 原文中的上述例子在下面的microsoft decltype (C++)中有更好的解释

microsoft decltype (C++) # Remarks

The following code example demonstrates some uses of the decltype type specifier. First, assume that you have coded the following statements.

int var;
const int&& fx();
struct A { double x; }
const A* a = new A();

Next, examine the types that are returned by the four decltype statements in the following table.

Statement Type Notes
decltype(fx()); const int&& An rvalue reference to a const int.
decltype(var); int The type of variable var.
decltype(a->x); double The type of the member access.
decltype((a->x)); const double& The inner parentheses cause the statement to be evaluated as an expression instead of a member access. And because a is declared as a const pointer, the type is a reference to const double.


在上述三篇文章中都描述了decltype semantic,其中最最简洁易懂的是microsoft decltype (C++)Remarks段描述的,相比之下cppreference decltype specifier的描述就难懂一些,所以最好将三篇结合起来:

Rule 1

1) If the argument is an unparenthesized id-expression or an unparenthesized class member access expression, then decltype yields the type of the entity named by this expression. If there is no such entity, or if the argument names a set of overloaded functions, the program is ill-formed.

这条规则源自cppreference decltype specifier,microsoft decltype (C++)中有同样的规则,这种是最最简单的情况。

Rule 2

2) If the expression parameter is a call to a function or an overloaded operator function, decltype(expression) is the return type of the function. Parentheses around an overloaded operator are ignored.

这条规则来自microsoft decltype (C++),cppreference decltype specifier中没有这条规则。

Rule 3

3) If the argument is any other expression of type T, and

a) if the value category of expression is xvalue, then decltype yields T&&;

b) if the value category of expression is lvalue, then decltype yields T&;

c) if the value category of expression is prvalue, then decltype yields T.

这条规则来自cppreference decltype specifier


These semantics were designed to fulfill the needs of generic library writers, while at the same time being intuitive for novice programmers, because the return type of decltype always matches the type of the object or function exactly as declared in the source code.

Note that if the name of an object is parenthesized, it is treated as an ordinary lvalue expression, thus decltype(x) and decltype((x)) are often different types.

这是cppreference decltype specifier中特别描述的一点,在三篇文章中,都结合具体的例子对它进行了解释:

struct A { double x; };
decltype(a->x) x4; // type is double
decltype((a->x)) x5; // type is const double&

decltype is non-deduced context


1) cppreference Template argument deduction#Non-deduced contexts

2) stackoverflow How does void_t work

Operands of decltype is unevaluated expressions


1) cppreference Expressions#Unevaluated expressions

2) wikipedia decltype # Semantics

3) arne-mertz Modern C++ Features – decltype and std::declval # decltype does not execute anything

Whatever expression we pass to decltype does not get executed. That means, that we don’t pay any runtime overhead and don’t see any side effects. For example, decltype(std::cout << "Hello world!\n") will result in std::ostream&, but not a single character will be printed to our console.

#include <iostream>

int main()
    decltype(std::cout << "Hello world!\n") s = std::cout;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp
#include <iostream>
class Foo;//forward declaration

int main()
    Foo f(int); //ok. Foo is still incomplete
    using f_result = decltype(f(11));
    //f_result is Foo
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

stackoverflow What is decltype with two arguments?


#include <type_traits>

int main()
    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(42, 3.14), double>::value, "Will not fire");

NOTE: 42, 3.14中的,为comma operator。


NOTE: 这篇内容非常一般

NOTE: 这篇内容非常一般