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Polymorphic type and non-polymorphic type

本文对polymorphic type进行专门介绍。

cppreference中并没有正式地定义polymorphic type,其中只有 polymorphic object 的定义,仔细阅读 polymorphic object 段,可以发现其中给出的例子中有“polymorphic type”,当我们进入到type system后,使用polymorphic type来进行描述会更加方便。

在文章panicsoftware DYNAMIC_CAST AND TYPEID AS (NON) RTTI TOOLS.中,给出了polymorphic type的定义:

First thing you need to know about RTTI is, that it doesn’t work for the non-polymorphic types. If you wonder what polymorphic types are, then here I come with the explanation. The types are polymorphic, when either they have at least one virtual function or they inherit from another polymorphic type.

在 cppreference typeid operator 中,也有关于 polymorphic type的描述。

Static type and dynamic type

C++中对**static type** 和 dynamic type**的区分是源自C++对OOP subtyping polymorphism(参见 polymorphic object)的支持,只有polymorphic object才同时具备**static type**和**dynamic type,对于 non-polymorphic object,它不具备dynamic type,只有static type。

How to use static type and dynamic type?

**static type**和**dynamic type**的概念对于C++ 非常重要,它是理解很多C++问题的基础,我们需要把握如下原则:

static type用于static context,dynamic type用于dynamic context

关于 static 和 dynamic,参见 C-and-C++\Compile-time-and-run-time 章节。

Static type and dynamic type of this pointer

下面是一个非常典型的例子,用于说明上述观点,这个例子源自eli.thegreenplace A polyglot's guide to multiple dispatch ,它给出了multiple dispatch的实现,这个例子非常能够体现: 灵活地运用 this pointer的**static type** 和 dynamic type,这篇文章收录在了 C++\Pattern\Visitor-pattern 章节。

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <memory>
class Rectangle;
class Ellipse;

class Shape
    virtual std::string name() const
        return typeid(*this).name();

    // Dispatcher that should be called by clients to intersect different shapes.
    virtual void Intersect(const Shape*) const = 0;

    // Specific interesection methods implemented by subclasses. If subclass A
    // has a special way to intersect with subclass B, it should implement
    // InteresectWith(const B*).
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Shape*) const
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Rectangle*) const
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Ellipse*) const

class Rectangle: public Shape
    virtual void Intersect(const Shape *s) const

    virtual void IntersectWith(const Shape *s) const
        std::cout << "Rectangle x Shape [names this=" << this->name() << ", s=" << s->name() << "]\n";

    virtual void IntersectWith(const Rectangle *r) const
        std::cout << "Rectangle x Rectangle [names this=" << this->name() << ", r=" << r->name() << "]\n";

class Ellipse: public Shape
    virtual void Intersect(const Shape *s) const

    virtual void IntersectWith(const Rectangle *r) const
        std::cout << "Ellipse x Rectangle [names this=" << this->name() << ", r=" << r->name() << "]\n";

int main()
    std::unique_ptr<Shape> pr1(new Rectangle);
    std::unique_ptr<Shape> pr2(new Rectangle);
    std::unique_ptr<Shape> pe(new Ellipse);

    std::cout << "Dynamic type dispatch\n";
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-operation\Query-type\typeid 中对上述例子中 typeid(*this) 的用法进行了详细的说明。


IntersectWith是overloaded virtual function,因此compiler会首先进行static polymorphism(overload resolution),然后进行dynamic polymorphism,在进行overload resolution的时候,就需要考虑this的static type从而进行dispatch。关于这一点,在 C++\Language-reference\Functions\Function-overload\Overload-in-OOP 中进行了专门的介绍。



Query type

既然C++中区分static type和dynamic type,那么就需要考虑如何来获得两者。

每个Polymorphic objectStatic typeDynamic type,那对于polymorphic object:

问题 code
如何获得**static type**? typeid(decltype(b1)).name()
如何获得**dynamic type**? typeid(b1).name()

下面的例子源自cppreference Object#Polymorphic objects

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
struct Base1
    // polymorphic type: declares a virtual member
    virtual ~Base1()
struct Derived1: Base1
    // polymorphic type: inherits a virtual member

struct Base2
    // non-polymorphic type
struct Derived2: Base2
    // non-polymorphic type

int main()
    Derived1 obj1; // object1 created with type Derived1
    Derived2 obj2; // object2 created with type Derived2

    Base1& b1 = obj1; // b1 refers to the object obj1
    Base2& b2 = obj2; // b2 refers to the object obj2

    std::cout << "Expression type of b1: " << typeid(decltype(b1)).name() << '\n'
            << "Expression type of b2: " << typeid(decltype(b2)).name() << '\n'
            << "Object type of b1: " << typeid(b1).name() << '\n'
            << "Object type of b2: " << typeid(b2).name() << '\n'
            << "Size of b1: " << sizeof b1 << '\n'
            << "Size of b2: " << sizeof b2 << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


Expression type of b1: 5Base1
Expression type of b2: 5Base2
Object type of b1: 8Derived1
Object type of b2: 5Base2
Size of b1: 8
Size of b2: 1

对于上述输出,需要注意的是typeid(b2).name()的输出是5Base2,而不是Derived2,这是因为Base2Derived2都不是polymorphic type。

typeid and decltype

上面的例子已经展示了两者之间的关联了,在 C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-operation\Query-type 章节,对它们进行了专门介绍。



Implementation of dynamic type

这其实就是C++ dynamic polymorphism的实现,参见C++\Language-reference\Classes\Subtype-polymorphism\Implementation章节。