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Empty base optimization

cppreference Empty base optimization

Allows the size of an empty base subobject to be zero.

#include <cassert>

struct Base {}; // empty class

struct Derived1 : Base {
    int i;

int main()
    // the size of any object of empty class type is at least 1
    assert(sizeof(Base) >= 1);

    // empty base optimization applies
    assert(sizeof(Derived1) == sizeof(int));
// g++ test.cpp

MoreCppIdiom#Empty Base Optimization

22.0.1 Intent

Optimize storage for data members of empty class types

22.0.3 Motivation

Empty classes come up from time to time in C++. C++ requires empty classes to have non-zero size to ensure object identity. For instance, an array of EmptyClass below has to have non-zero size because each object identified by the array subscript must be unique. Pointer arithmetic will fall apart if sizeof(EmptyClass) is zero. Often the size of such a class is one.

class EmptyClass {};
EmptyClass arr[10]; // Size of this array can’t be zero.

When the same empty class shows up as a data member of other classes, it consumes more than a single byte. Compilers often align data on 4-byte boundaries to avoid splitting. The four bytes taken by the empty class object are just placeholders and serve no useful purpose. Avoiding wastage of space is desirable to save memory and help fit more objects in the cpu cache lines.

22.0.4 Solution and Sample Code

C++ makes special exemption(豁免) for empty classes when they are inherited from. The compiler is allowed to flatten the inheritance hierarchy in a way that the empty base class does not consume space. For instance, in the following example, sizeof(AnInt) is 4 on 32 bit architectures and sizeof(AnotherEmpty) is 1 byte even though both of them inherit from the EmptyClass

#include <iostream>
class EmptyClass
class AnInt: public EmptyClass
    int data;
// size = sizeof(int)
class AnotherEmpty: public EmptyClass
// size = 1
int main()
    std::cout << sizeof(EmptyClass) << std::endl;
    std::cout << sizeof(AnInt) << std::endl;
    std::cout << sizeof(AnotherEmpty) << std::endl;

EBCO makes use of this exemption(豁免) in a systematic(系统的) way.

It may not be desirable to naively move the empty classes from member-list to base-class-list because that may expose interfaces that are otherwise hidden from the users. For instance, the following way of applying EBCO will apply the optimization but may have undesirable side-effects: The signatures of the functions (if any in E1, E2) are now visible to the users of class Foo (although they can’t call them because of private inheritance).

NOTE: 这个例子所阐述的是"naively move the empty classes from member-list to base-class-list"的弊端: 基类(class E1class E2)的function被暴露给了子类class Foo

#include <iostream>
class E1
class E2
// **** before EBCO ****
class Foo
    E1 e1;
    E2 e2;
    int data;
// sizeof(Foo) = 8
// **** after EBCO ****
class Foo1: private E1, private E2
    int data;
// sizeof(Foo1) = 4
int main()
    std::cout << sizeof(Foo) << std::endl;
    std::cout << sizeof(Foo1) << std::endl;
// g++ test.cpp

A practical way of using EBCO is to combine the empty members into a single member that flattens the storage. The following template BaseOptimization applies EBCO on its first two type parameter. The Foo class above has been rewritten to use it.

NOTE: 这个例子所展示的更好的做法: "combine the empty members into a single member that flattens the storage",其实这是符合"Composition-over-inheritance"的。

#include <iostream>
class E1
class E2

template<class Base1, class Base2, class Member>
struct BaseOptimization: Base1, Base2
    Member member;
    BaseOptimization(Base1 const &b1, Base2 const &b2, Member const &mem) :
                    Base1(b1), Base2(b2), member(mem)
class Foo
    BaseOptimization<E1, E2, int> data;
// sizeof(Foo) = 4
int main()
    std::cout << sizeof(Foo) << std::endl;
// g++ test.cpp

With this technique, there is no change in the inheritance relationship of the Foo class. It also avoids the problem of accidentally overriding a function from the base classes. Note that in the approach shown above it is critical that the base classes do not conflict with each other. That is, Base1 and Base2 are part of independent hierarchies.


Object identity issues do not appear to be consistent across compilers. The addresses of the empty objects may or may not be the same. For instance, the pointer returned by first and second member methods of BaseOptimization class may be the same on some compilers and different on others. See more discussion on stackoverflow boost compressed_pair and addresses of empty objects

22.0.5 Known Uses

boost::compressed_pair makes use of this technique to optimize the size of the pair. • A C++03 emulation of unique_ptr also uses this idiom.

stackoverflow When do programmers use Empty Base Optimization (EBO)


EBO is important in the context of policy based design, where you generally inherit privately from multiple policy classes. If we take the example of a thread safety policy, one could imagine the pseudo-code :

class MTSafePolicy
  void lock() { mutex_.lock(); }
  void unlock() { mutex_.unlock(); }

  Mutex mutex_;

class MTUnsafePolicy
  void lock() { /* no-op */ }
  void unlock() { /* no-op */ }

Given a policy based-design class such as :

template<class ThreadSafetyPolicy>
class Test : ThreadSafetyPolicy
  /* ... */

Using the class with a MTUnsafePolicy simply add no size overhead the class Test : it's a perfect example of don't pay for what you don't use.

csdn C++ EBO 空基类最优化

class Empty
    typedef int TYPENAME;//typedef
    enum color{red,green,yellow};//enum
    void hello(){ cout << "hello" << endl; }//non-virtual 函数
    static int xx;//static 成员变量

class HoldAnInt : private Empty
    void newFunc()
        cout << "new Func" << endl;
    int x;

int main()
    cout << sizeof(Empty) << endl;//1.
    cout << sizeof(HoldAnInt) << endl;//4
    HoldAnInt a;
    a.newFunc();// hello newFunc
    return 0;