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Access specifiers

cppreference access specifiers

In a member-specification of a class/struct or union, define the accessibility of subsequent(后续的) members.

In a base-specifier of a derived class declaration, define the accessibility of inherited members of the subsequent base class.


1) The members declared after the specifier have public member access

2) The members declared after the specifier have protected member access

3) The members declared after the specifier have private member access

4) Public inheritance: the public and protected members of the base class listed after the specifier keep their member access in the derived class(基类的public和protected members在子类中保持其member access)

5) Protected inheritance: the public and protected members of the base class listed after the specifier are protected members of the derived class

6) Private inheritance: the public and protected members of the base class listed after the specifier are private members of the derived class

总结:显然 private member of base class在子类中是无法被访问的;显然,access specifier能够控制两个方面:

  • 用户访问member的权限
  • 基类成员在子类中的访问权限

思考:base class的private member在derived class中能否被访问?


The name of every class member (static, non-static, function, type, etc) has an associated "member access". When a name of the member is used anywhere a program, its access is checked, and if it does not satisfy the access rules, the program does not compile:

总结:显然,member access check是 发生在编译期的

Run this code

#include <iostream>
class Example {
 public: // all declarations after this point are public
    void add(int x) { // member "add" has public access
        n += x; // OK: private Example::n can be accessed from Example::add
 private: // all declarations after this point are private
    int n = 0; // member "n" has private access
int main()
    Example e;
    e.add(1); // OK: public Example::add can be accessed from main
//  e.n = 7;  // Error: private Example::n cannot be accessed from main

Access specifiers give the author of the class the ability to decide which class members are accessible to the users of the class (that is, the interface) and which members are for internal use of the class (the implementation)

总结:这段话给出了c++中提供access specifier的目的

In detail

总结:下面这段主要讲解的是access rule,需要注意的是,下面的论述其实包括了class member access和non class两种情况。

All members of a class (bodies of member functions, initializers of member objects, and the entire nested class definitions) have access to all the names to which a class can access(一个类的所有成员能够访问所有给类能够访问的names). A local class within a member function has access to all the names the member function itself can access.

A class defined with the keyword class has private access for its members and its base classes by default. A class defined with the keyword struct has public access for its members and its base classes by default. A union has public access for its members by default.

总结:上面这段话是比较概括性的,它的含义是:无论是成员函数,还是继承,在不指定access specifier的时候,class的默认权限是privatestruct的默认权限是public

To grant access to additional functions or classes to protected or private members, a friendship declaration may be used.

总结:上面这段话的意思是:通过friendship declaration 可以将一个类的 protected or private members 的access授予另外的function和class。

Accessibility applies to all names with no regard to their origin, so a name introduced by a typedef or using declarations is checked, not the name it refers to.

上面这段话的意思是:Accessibility检查仅仅作用于names,而无需考虑这些names的来源,因此检查由typedefusing declarations 引入的名称,而不是它所引用的名称。

class A : X {
  class B { }; // B is private in A
  typedef B BB; // BB is public
void f() {
  A::B y; // error, A::B is private
  A::BB x; // OK, A::BB is public

总结:上面这段代码中,需要注意的是class B是class A的member,由于author of class没有指定access specifier,所以它的access默认是private。

Member access does not affect visibility:

  • names of private and privately-inherited members are visible and considered by overload resolution,

  • implicit conversions to inaccessible base classes are still considered, etc.

总结:这一段描述了member access和visibility的关系。

Member access check is the last step after any given language construct is interpreted. The intent of this rule is that replacing any private with public never alters the behavior of the program.

Access checking for the names used in default function arguments(函数默认参数) as well as in the default template parameters is performed at the point of declaration, not at the point of use.

Access rules for the names of virtual functions are checked at the call point using the type of the expression used to denote the object for which the member function is called. The access of the final overrider is ignored.

总结:需要注意的是这三段话描述的是access check发生的时机。第一段话和第二段话分别描述了**Member access check**和**Access checking**,显然,前者是关于class的,而后者则为non class。

第三段话的理解需要结合下面的这个例子来,并且其中还包括一些不容易理解的名词,比如,final overrider,参见下面的virtual function specifier章节即可知。变量b的static type是B,其dynamic type是D,第三段话的意思是对于virtual functions的access check是通过其调用者的static type来进行的,所以对变量b而言,其成员f()是public的,b的成员f()的final overrider是定义在其dynamic type D中的成员f(),所以 b.f()最终调用的是其dynamic type D中的成员f()。显然在这种情况下,The access of the final overrider is ignored。

struct B { virtual int f(); }; // f is public in B
class D : public B { private: int f(); }; // f is private in D
void f() {
 D d;
 B& b = d;
 b.f(); // OK: B::f() is public, D::f() is invoked even though it's private
 d.f(); // error: D::f() is private

A name that is private according to unqualified name lookup, may be accessible through qualified name lookup:

class A { };
class B : private A { };
class C : public B {
   A* p; // error: unqualified name lookup finds A as the private base of B
   ::A* q; // OK, qualified name lookup finds the namespace-level declaration

A name that is accessible through multiple paths in the inheritance graph has the access of the path with the most access:

class W { public: void f(); };
class A : private virtual W { };
class B : public virtual W { };
class C : public A, public B {
void f() { W::f(); } // OK, W is accessible to C through B

Any number of access specifiers may appear within a class, in any order. Member access specifiers may affect class layout: the addresses of non-static data members are only guaranteed to increase in order of declaration for the members with the same access. For StandardLayoutType, all non-static data members must have the same access.

When a member is redeclared within the same class, it must do so under the same member access:

struct S {
  class A; // S::A is public
  class A {}; // error: cannot change access

Public member access

Public members form a part of the public interface of the class (other parts of the public interface are the non-member functions found by ADL).

A public member of a class is accessible everywhere.

class S {
 public: // n, f, E, A, B, C, U are public members
    int n;
    static void f() {}
    enum E {A, B, C};
    struct U {};
int main()
    S::f(); // S::f is accessible in main
    S s;
    s.n = S::B; // S::n and S::B are accesisble in main
    S::U x; // S::U is accessible in main

Protected member access

Protected members form the interface for the derived classes (which is distinct from the public interface of the class).

A protected member of a class Base can only be accessed

1) by the members and friends of Base

2) by the members and friends (until C++17) of any class derived from Base, but only when operating on an object of a type that is derived from Base (including this)

struct Base {
    int i;
    void g(Base& b, struct Derived& d);

struct Derived : Base {
    void f(Base& b, Derived& d) // member function of a derived class
        ++d.i; // okay: the type of d is Derived
        ++i; // okay: the type of the implied '*this' is Derived
//      ++b.i; // error: can't access a protected member through Base
//                 (Otherwise it would be possible to change other derived classes, 
//                  like a hypothetical Derived2, base implementation)

void Base::g(Base& b, Derived& d) // member function of Base
    ++i; // okay
    ++b.i; // okay
    ++d.i; // okay

void x(Base& b, Derived& d) // non-member non-friend
//    ++b.i; // error: no access from non-member
//    ++d.i; // error: no access from non-member

When a pointer to a protected member is formed, it must use a derived class in its declaration:

struct Base {
    int i;

struct Derived : Base {
    void f()
//      int Base::* ptr = &Base::i;    // error: must name using Derived
        int Base::* ptr = &Derived::i; // okay

Private member access

Private members form the implementation of a class, as well as the private interface for the other members of the class.

A private member of a class can only be accessed by the members and friends of that class, regardless of whether the members are on the same or different instances:

class S {
    int n; // S::n is private
    S() : n(10) {} // this->n is accessible in S::S
    S(const S& other) : n(other.n) {} // other.n is accessible in S::S

The explicit cast (C-style and function-style) allows casting from a derived lvalue to reference to its private base, or from a pointer to derived to a pointer to its private base.


See derived classes for the meaning of public, protected, and private inheritance.

microsoft Member Access Control (C++)