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Initialization and deinitialization order


1、constructor的调用次序: 沿着class hierarchy,自顶向下、自左至右进行初始化


这样是为了保证stack ordering。

cppreference Constructors and member initializer lists # Initialization order


一、"actual order of initialization"是由

1、class hierarchy

2、"non-static data member are initialized in order of declaration in the class definition"



2、保证initialization 和 deinitialization是stack ordering

The order of member initializers in the list is irrelevant: the actual order of initialization is as follows:

1) If the constructor is for the most-derived class, virtual bases are initialized in the order in which they appear in depth-first left-to-right traversal of the base class declarations (left-to-right refers to the appearance in base-specifier lists)


1、"depth-first"的含义是什么?是否意味着 越"derived",则越先被initialization

2) Then, direct bases are initialized in left-to-right order as they appear in this class's base-specifier list

3) Then, non-static data member are initialized in order of declaration in the class definition.


这是非常重要的,需要注意的是,后面一段补充了对"member initializer lists"的initialization order的说明,需要注意的是: C++没有按照 "member initializer lists" 中的order,而是 "order of declaration in the class definition" 来执行的

4) Finally, the body of the constructor is executed

(Note: if initialization order was controlled by the appearance in the member initializer lists of different constructors, then the destructor wouldn't be able to ensure that the order of destruction is the reverse of the order of construction)



cppreference Destructors # Destruction sequence

For both user-defined or implicitly-defined destructors, after the body of the destructor is executed, the compiler calls the destructors for all non-static non-variant members of the class, in reverse order of declaration, then it calls the destructors of all direct non-virtual base classes in reverse order of construction (which in turn call the destructors of their members and their base classes, etc), and then, if this object is of most-derived class, it calls the destructors of all virtual bases.

Even when the destructor is called directly (e.g. obj.~Foo();), the return statement in ~Foo() does not return control to the caller immediately: it calls all those member and base destructors first.

stackoverflow Constructor initialization-list evaluation order


今天在碰到了一个与initialization-list evaluation order相关的问题,并且它还导致了进程core掉了,现在想来,c++的这种设计太容易出现错误了,并且这种错误是非常严重但是隐晦的。

class Turn {
    virtual ~Turn() {
    Turn(const unsigned int interval, StockReader* stock_reader_p,
            const std::string& redis_address) :
            interval_(interval), stock_reader_p_(stock_reader_p), redis_address_(
                    redis_address), redis_con_(redis_address_), AI_service_(
                    redis_address_) {
        this_turn_left_time_ = 0;
        init_flag_ = false;
        time_number_ = 0;
        turn_number_ = 0;
    bool init_flag_;    //初始化标志
    unsigned int turn_number_;  //轮编号
    unsigned int time_number_;    //次编号
    unsigned int interval_;    //每次间隔,单位ms
    unsigned int this_turn_left_time_;    //本轮剩余时间,单位ms
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start_time_; //main_loop的开始时间点
    CppCelery::Celery AI_service_; //
    StockReader* stock_reader_p_; //
    std::string redis_address_;
    RedisCon redis_con_; //redis连接
    RedisIO::AIServerQueue<> AI_server_queue_; //
template<typename TransportT>
class Producer {
    /// @param broker_address
    Producer(const std::string& broker_address) :
            transport_(broker_address) {

    /// 发布信息
    void publish(const std::string &message) {
        celery_queue_.write(transport_, message);
    std::string broker_address_;
    TransportT transport_;
    RedisIO::CeleryQueue<TransportT> celery_queue_;


#0  0x00007fdbc35ad1cc in std::string::assign(std::string const&) () from /usr/anaconda3/lib/
#1  0x00007fdbb733a235 in operator= (__str=..., this=0xc2a9348) at /usr/include/c++/4.8.2/bits/basic_string.h:547
#2  RedisCon::RedisCon (this=0xc2a9328, redis_address=...) at ../core/redis_method.cpp:22
#3  0x00007fdbb7303ff7 in Producer (broker_address=..., this=0xc2a9320) at ../core/celery/kombu/messaging.h:19
#4  Celery (broker_address=..., this=0xc2a9308) at ../core/celery/celery.h:27
#5  Turn (redis_address=..., stock_reader_p=0xc232400, interval=200, this=0xc2a92e0) at turn.h:34
#6  CQuoteOrderWorker::CQuoteOrderWorker (this=0xc2a8e90, quote_thread_num=<optimized out>, redis_address=..., stock_reader_p=<optimized out>, 
    quote_interval=<optimized out>) at quote_predict_worker_quote.cpp:67
#7  0x00007fdbb7316624 in CQuotePreImpl::init_thread_pool (this=this@entry=0xbf1ba50) at quote_predict_server.cpp:471
#8  0x00007fdbb7319514 in CQuotePreImpl::OnInit (this=0xbf1ba50) at quote_predict_server.cpp:557
#9  0x00007fdbb7319c0d in QuotePreInit (lpInstance=<optimized out>, pfOnSetTimeOut=<optimized out>) at quote_predict_server.cpp:60
#10 0x00007fdbc2c63680 in CF2CoreImpl::mf_InitPlugin (this=0x209ed70, lpInfo=0xbf1bc40, pfOnSetTimeOut=0x0) at f2core_impl.cpp:790
#11 0x00007fdbc2c61ad8 in CF2CoreImpl::Load (this=0x209ed70, iLoadLevel=2, pfOnSetTimeOut=0x0) at f2core_impl.cpp:376
#12 0x000000000040560f in CShell::init(int, char**) ()
#13 0x000000000040802d in main ()

在排查这个问题的时候,我感觉redis_con_(redis_address_), AI_service_(redis_address_)这种写法,类似于使用了未初始化的类成员变量,所以我尝试将上述redis_address_修改为由用户传入的redis_address,然后再次进行编译,运行,发现这种情况下,进程是不会core掉的;说明我的猜测是正确的,所以我就Google了相关的内容, 发现在类Turn中,redis_address_的确是声明在依赖它的两个成员变量之后的。在深入思考这个问题的时候,我想到了如下问题:

  • 是先执行initializer list还是先执行 constructor body?
  • 在执行initializer list的时候,redis_address_的值是什么?

  • 为什么什么的代码会core掉?

这些问题既涉及到c++也设计到core dump,为此需要专门去了解相关内容。


1、stackoverflow Order of member constructor and destructor calls