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Destructor and exception

cppreference Destructors # Exceptions

As any other function, a destructor may terminate by throwing an exception (this usually requires it to be explicitly declared noexcept(false)) (since C++11), however if this destructor happens to be called during stack unwinding, std::terminate is called instead.


1、在cppreference中,stack unwinding 特指由于exception而导致的提前退出

Although std::uncaught_exception may sometimes be used to detect stack unwinding in progress, it is generally considered bad practice to allow any destructor to terminate by throwing an exception. This functionality is nevertheless(然而) used by some libraries, such as SOCI and Galera 3, which rely on the ability of the destructors of nameless temporaries to throw exceptions at the end of the full expression that constructs the temporary.


1、" std::uncaught_exception may sometimes be used to detect stack unwinding in progress",参见 Scope-Guard 章节

2、 "This functionality is nevertheless(然而) used by some libraries, such as SOCI and Galera 3, which rely on the ability of the destructors of nameless temporaries to throw exceptions at the end of the full expression that constructs the temporary."

这段话的意思是: 一些libraries,比如 SOCI and Galera 3,它们通过让destructor 抛出exception来实现特殊的概念

std::experimental::scope_success in Library fundamental TS v3 may have a potentially-throwing destructor, which throws an exception when the scope is exited normally and the exit function throws an exception.

NOTE: 1、上述 std::experimental::scope_success 就是scope guard

ibm Stack unwinding (C++ only) # Destructor and exception

If during stack unwinding a destructor throws an exception and that exception is not handled, the terminate()function is called. The following example demonstrates this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct E {
  const char* message;
  E(const char* arg) : message(arg) { }

void my_terminate() {
  cout << "Call to my_terminate" << endl;

struct A {
  A() { cout << "In constructor of A" << endl; }
  ~A() {
    cout << "In destructor of A" << endl;
    throw E("Exception thrown in ~A()");

struct B {
  B() { cout << "In constructor of B" << endl; }
  ~B() { cout << "In destructor of B" << endl; }

int main() {

  try {
    cout << "In try block" << endl;
    A a;
    B b;
    throw("Exception thrown in try block of main()");
  catch (const char* e) {
    cout << "Exception: " << e << endl;
  catch (...) {
    cout << "Some exception caught in main()" << endl;

  cout << "Resume execution of main()" << endl;

The output of this example:

In try block
In constructor of A
In constructor of B
In destructor of B
In destructor of A
Call to my_terminate

In the try block, two automatic objects are created:a and b. The try block throws an exception of type const char*. The handler catch (const char* e) catches this exception. The C++ run time unwinds the stack, calling the destructors for a and b in reverse order of their construction. The destructor for a throws an exception. Since there is no handler in the program that can handle this exception, the C++ run time calls terminate(). (The function terminate() calls the function specified as the argument to set_terminate(). In this example, terminate() has been specified to call my_terminate().)

stackoverflow What is stack unwinding? # A

program consistency: the C++ specifications state that you should never throw an exception before any existing exception has been handled. This means that the stack unwinding process should never throw an exception (either use only code guaranteed not to throw in destructors, or surround everything in destructors with try { and } catch(...) {}).

NOTE: 它说明了坚持"A destructor may not fail"的原因: program consistency。

CppCoreGuidelines C.36: A destructor may not fail


In general we do not know how to write error-free code if a destructor should fail. The standard library requires that all classes it deals with have destructors that do not exit by throwing.

NOTE: 其实原因在前面已经总结了


class X {
    ~X() noexcept;
    // ...

X::~X() noexcept
    // ...
    if (cannot_release_a_resource) terminate();
    // ...

NOTE: 上述程序其实是一个非常好的示例


Many have tried to devise a fool-proof(万无一失的) scheme for dealing with failure in destructors. None have succeeded to come up with a general scheme. This can be a real practical problem: For example, what about a socket that won’t close? The writer of a destructor does not know why the destructor is called and cannot “refuse to act” by throwing an exception. See discussion. To make the problem worse, many “close/release” operations are not retryable. If at all possible, consider failure to close/cleanup a fundamental design error and terminate.

NOTE: 翻译如下:




Declare a destructor noexcept. That will ensure that it either completes normally or terminates the program.

NOTE: 这其实对应的是上述example


If a resource cannot be released and the program may not fail, try to signal the failure to the rest of the system somehow (maybe even by modifying some global state and hope something will notice and be able to take care of the problem). Be fully aware that this technique is special-purpose and error-prone. Consider the “my connection will not close” example. Probably there is a problem at the other end of the connection and only a piece of code responsible for both ends of the connection can properly handle the problem. The destructor could send a message (somehow) to the responsible part of the system, consider that to have closed the connection, and return normally.

NOTE: 翻译如下:

"如果一个资源不能被释放,并且程序不能失败,尝试以某种方式向系统的其他部分发出失败的信号(甚至可能通过修改一些全局状态,希望某些东西会注意到并能够处理这个问题)。要充分认识到,这种技术是专用的,而且容易出错。考虑“my connection will not close”示例。可能在连接的另一端有问题,只有一段负责连接两端的代码才能正确处理这个问题。析构函数可以(以某种方式)向负责的部分o发送一条消息"

1、结合我的实践来看,有的时候,将resource release放到一个显式的release函数中,由programmer来进行调用,而不是放到destructor中;


If a destructor uses operations that may fail, it can catch exceptions and in some cases still complete successfully (e.g., by using a different clean-up mechanism from the one that threw an exception).


(Simple) A destructor should be declared noexcept if it could throw.

NOTE: 这岂不是违背了原则?

CppCoreGuidelines C.37: Make destructors noexcept


A destructor may not fail. If a destructor tries to exit with an exception, it’s a bad design error and the program had better terminate.


A destructor (either user-defined or compiler-generated) is implicitly declared noexcept (independently of what code is in its body) if all of the members of its class have noexcept destructors. By explicitly marking destructors noexcept, an author guards against(防止) the destructor becoming implicitly noexcept(false) through the addition or modification of a class member.

NOTE: 翻译如下:

"如果类的所有成员都有noexcept '析构函数,则析构函数(用户定义的或编译器生成的)将隐式声明为noexcept '(与主体中的代码无关)。 通过显式地标记析构函数' noexcept ',作者可以防止析构函数通过添加或修改类成员而隐式地变成' noexcept(false) '。"


Not all destructors are noexcept by default; one throwing member poisons(毒害) the whole class hierarchy


1、这个例子所展示的"one throwing member"即Details x导致compiler将struct X 的destructor ~X() 声明为 noexcept(false) aka can throw

struct X {
    Details x;  // happens to have a throwing destructor
    // ...
    ~X() { }    // implicitly noexcept(false); aka can throw

So, if in doubt, declare a destructor noexcept.


Why not then declare all destructors noexcept? Because that would in many cases – especially simple cases – be distracting clutter.


(Simple) A destructor should be declared noexcept if it could throw.



    142  warning 1551: function 'CppSQLite3Buffer::clear' called outside of a 
    try block in destructor 'CppSQLite3Buffer::~CppSQLite3Buffer' is not 
    declared as never throwing