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More C++ Idioms Non-throwing swap

NOTE: 关于non-throwing,参见cppreference Exceptions、cppreference noexcept specifier


1、To implement an exception safe and efficient swap operation.

2、To provide uniform interface to it to facilitate generic programming.


1、generic programming能够大大提供程序的可维护性,在下面的Solution and Sample Code章节会讨论这个问题。

2、generic programming是需要uniform、consistent interface的,这是非常重要的,它的tag-uniform and consistent interface to facilitate generic programming




A typical implementation of swap could be given as follows:

template<class T>
void swap (T &a, T &b)
  T temp (a);
  a = b;
  b = temp;


Swapping of two large, complex objects of the same type is inefficient due to acquisition and release of resources for the intermediate temporary object.

NOTE: 上述都是copy construct


This generic swap implementation may throw if resources are not available. (Such a behavior does not make sense where in fact no new resources should have been requested in the first place.) Therefore, this implementation cannot be used for the Copy-and-swap idiom.


1、第一段话的解释是:T temp (a);是需要acquisition of resources的,所以当系统中resource已经耗尽的情况下,这个语句是会抛出exception的。括号中的意思是:swap是不需要request new resource的;

2、最后一句话的意思是:Copy-and-swap idiom的要求swap函数是non-throw的

Solution and Sample Code

Use Handle Body idiom

Non-throwing swap idiom uses Handle Body idiom to achieve the desired effect. The abstraction under consideration is split between two implementation classes. One is handle and other one is body. The handle holds a pointer to a body object. The swap is implemented as a simple swap of pointers, which are guaranted to not throw exceptions and it is very efficient as no new resources are acquired or released.


1、显然non-throwing swap相比于普通的swap优势在于无需构造temporary object,而是直接交换pointer,直接交换pointer是not throw exception的。

2、"Non-throwing swap idiom uses Handle Body idiom to achieve the desired effect"

这段话要如何来理解呢? 看了一下Handle Body idiom,这个idiom的意图不仅仅局限于使用一个pointer来作为member variable,在Non-throwing swap idiom 中,Handle Body idiom所表示的是使用一个pointer来作为member variable。

namespace Orange {
class String 
    char * str;
    void swap (String &s) // noexcept
      std::swap (this->str, s.str);

To facilitate generic programming

Although an efficient and exception-safe swap function can be implemented (as shown above) as a member function, non-throwing swap idiom goes further than that for simplicity, consistency, and to facilitate generic programming. An explicit specialization of std::swap should be added in the std namespace as well as the namespace of the class itself.

namespace Orange { // namespace of String
  void swap (String & s1, String & s2) // noexcept
    s1.swap (s2);
namespace std {
  template <>
  void swap (Orange::String & s1, Orange::String & s2) // noexcept
    s1.swap (s2);


1、需要注意的是,上面是full specialization

Common usage styles of swap

Adding it in two places takes care of two different common usage styles of swap :

(1) unqualified swap

(2) fully qualified swap (e.g., std::swap).

When unqualified swap is used, right swap is looked up using Koenig lookup (provided one is already defined).

NOTE: swap(Orange::String, Orange::String)

Koenig lookup 就是 Argument-dependent name lookup

If fully qualified swap is used, Koenig lookup is suppressed and one in the std namespace is used instead. It is a very common practice.

NOTE: std::swap(Orange::String, Orange::String)


Remaining discussion here uses fully qualified swap only. It gives a uniform look and feel because C++ programmers often use swap function in an idiomatic way by fully qualifying it with std:: as shown below.

template <class T>
void zoo (T t1, T t2) {
int i1, i2;
std::swap(i1,i2); // note uniformity
std::swap(t1,t2); // Ditto here


1、"Ditto here"的意思是: 同样在这里

In such a case, the right, efficient implementation of swap is chosen when zoo is instantiated with String class defined earlier. Otherwise, the default std::swap function template would be instantiated -- completely defeating the purpose of defining the member swap and namespace scope swap function. This idiom of defining explicit specialization of swap in std namespace is particularly useful in generic programming.

Cascading use


1、class UserDefined的data member str的类似是前面的Orange::String

2、下面的例子所展示的其实是连锁反应: Orange::String的swap是no throw的,基于它的UserDefined的swap也能够实现no throw

Such uniformity in using non-throwing swap idiom leads to its cascading (级联) use as given in the example below.

class UserDefined 
    String str;
    void swap (UserDefined & u) // throw () 
      std::swap (str, u.str); 
namespace std
  // Full specializations of the templates in std namespace can be added in std namespace.
  template <>
  void swap (UserDefined & u1, UserDefined & u2) // throw ()
    u1.swap (u2);
class Myclass
    UserDefined u;
    char * name;
    void swap (Myclass & m) // throw ()
      std::swap (u, m.u);       // cascading use of the idiom due to uniformity
      std::swap (name,; // Ditto here
namespace std
   // Full specializations of the templates in std namespace can be added in std namespace.
   template <> 
   void swap (Myclass & m1, Myclass & m2) // throw ()
     m1.swap (m2);


1、上面代码中的throw ()其实是noexcept含义

2、需要注意的是,上面是full specialization

Therefore, it is a good idea to define a specialization of std::swap for the types that are amenable to an exception safe, efficient swap implementation. The C++ standard does not currently allow us to add new templates to the std namespace, but it does allow us to specialize templates (e.g. std::swap) from that namespace and add them back in it.


1、这里所讨论的是extend std



1、本段所讨论的是将user defined type的swap函数添加到std中的问题,这是extending std,这在C++\Library\Standard-library\Extending-std中进行了讨论;

2、对于non-throwing swap idiom,推荐使用Swap values idiom,即下面的solution 1,关于此,参见C++\Idiom\Templates-and-generic-programming\Swappable,这种方式的另外一个优势是: 更加简单,可以写更少的代码

Using non-throwing swap idiom for template classes (e.g., Matrix<T>) can be a subtle issue. As per the C++98 standard, only the full specialization of std::swap is allowed to be defined inside std namespace for the user-defined types. Partial specializations or function overloading is not allowed by the language. Trying to achieve the similar effect for template classes (e.g., Matrix<T>) results into overloading of std::swap in std namepspace, which is technically undefined behavior. This is not necessarily the ideal state of affairs as indicated by some people in a spectacularly(非常地) long discussion thread on comp.lang.c++.moderated newsgroup.[1] There are two possible solutions, both imperfect, to this issue:

NOTE: 翻译如下:

"对模板类使用非抛出swap习惯用法(例如,' Matrix<T> ')可能是一个微妙的问题。 根据c++ 98标准,只有' std::swap '的完全特化才允许在用户定义类型的' std '命名空间中定义。 语言不允许部分专门化或函数重载。 试图在模板类(例如,' Matrix ')中实现类似的效果会导致' std '命名空间中的' std::swap '的重载,这在技术上是未定义的行为。 这并不一定是像一些人在“compl .lang.c++”的冗长讨论中指出的那样理想的状态。 主持的新闻组。 对于这个问题,有两种可能的解决方案,但都不完美:"

1、上面这段话让我想到了: full specialization、partial specialization、overload之间的关联

2、"Trying to achieve the similar effect for template classes (e.g., Matrix<T>) results into overloading of std::swap in std namepspace" 要如何理解?

Matrix<T>是一个template classe,因此,它的写法如下:

template<typename T>
void swap(Matrix<T> &l, Matrix<T> &r)

1、Standard-compliant solution. Leveraging on Koenig lookup(ADL), define an overloaded swap function template in the same namespace as that of the class being swapped. Not all compilers may support this correctly, but this solution is compliant to the standard.[2]

NOTE: 目前主流的compiler都是支持ADL的

2、Fingers-crossed solution. Partially specialize std::swap and ignore the fact that this is technically undefined behavior, hoping that nothing will happen and wait for a fix in the next language standard.

NOTE: 这种做法相当于什么都没有做


使用cpppatterns Swappable idiom

#include <utility>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

namespace Orange
class String
    char * str;
    void swap(String &s) // noexcept
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        std::swap(this->str, s.str);
    String(const char* p)
        size_t size = strlen(p) + 1;
        str = new char[size];
        memcpy(str, p, size);
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& Stream, String& S)
        Stream << S.str;
        return Stream;
void swap(String & s1, String & s2) // noexcept
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;


int main()
    using std::swap;
    Orange::String s1("hello");
    Orange::String s2("world");
    std::cout << "Before swap:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << s1 << " " << s2 << std::endl;
    swap(s1, s2);
    std::cout << "After swap:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << s1 << " " << s2 << std::endl;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


Before swap:
hello world
void Orange::swap(Orange::String&, Orange::String&)
void Orange::String::swap(Orange::String&)
After swap:
world hello


#include <utility>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

namespace Orange
class String
    char * str;
    void swap(String &s) // noexcept
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        std::swap(this->str, s.str);
    String(const char* p)
        size_t size = strlen(p) + 1;
        str = new char[size];
        memcpy(str, p, size);
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& Stream, String& S)
        Stream << S.str;
        return Stream;
void swap(String & s1, String & s2) // noexcept
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;


namespace std
void swap(Orange::String & s1, Orange::String & s2) // noexcept
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

int main()
    // using std::swap;
    Orange::String s1("hello");
    Orange::String s2("world");
    std::cout << "Before swap:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << s1 << " " << s2 << std::endl;
    std::swap(s1, s2);
    std::cout << "After swap:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << s1 << " " << s2 << std::endl;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


Before swap:
hello world
void std::swap(_Tp&, _Tp&) [with _Tp = Orange::String]
void Orange::String::swap(Orange::String&)
After swap:
world hello

上面这种写法中,必须要加上如下template full specialization:

namespace std
void swap(Orange::String & s1, Orange::String & s2) // noexcept
    std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
