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No throw guarantee

Why need no throw guarantee?

首先需要搞清楚为什么需要non throw guarantee。

stackoverflow confusion about non-throw functions

I have 2 questions about non-throwing functions:

1、Why make a function non-throwing?

2、How to make a function non-throwing? If the code inside the function actually may throw, then should I still make it non-throwing?

Here is an example:

void swap(Type t1, Type t2) throw()

If the code in swap won't throw at all, should I still append throw()? Why?


throw() (or noexcept in C++11) is useful for two reasons:

1、It allows the compiler to be more aggressive in its optimisations.

NOTE: 需要遵循optimization principle

2、It tells function users that they can use this function in their own non-throwing functions.

Non-throwing functions are very important for writing exception safe code. For instance, the usual way of writing an exception safe operator= is via a non-throwing swap() function.

NOTE: 第二个目标是: 实现strong exception safe

On the other hand, other exception specifications are useless and have been justly(应该的、应得的) deprecated in the current standard. They don't mix well at all with templates and are too expensive to enforce.



Now, if you use a noexcept specification in a function that might actually throw, all bets are off. Even if your compiler does not terminate the program when an exception leaves the function (VS does not do it for runtime efficiency reasons, for instance), your code might not do what you thought because of optimisations. For example:

void f() noexcept

If a() actually throws and b() has side effects, the function behaviour will be unpredictable, because your compiler may decide to execute b() before a(), since you have told it that no exceptions will be thrown.


1、memory reordering


a、一定要谨慎地使用 noexcept

b、一定要保证程序的一致: 程序的实际行为应该和你的specifier保持一致

EDIT: Now for the second part of your question: how to make a function non-throwing?

First you need to ask yourself whether your function should really be non-throwing. For instance:

class C
  C* CreateInstance()
    return new C();

Since operator new can throw a std::bad_alloc, CreateInstance() can throw. You could try to avoid it with a try-catch block, handling or swallowing any exceptions that may be thrown inside the try block, but would that really be sensible? For instance:

C* CreateInstance()
     return new C();
  catch (...)
     return null;

Problem solved, it seems, but would your callers be prepared for CreateInstance() returning null? If not, a crash will ensue(跟着发生) when they try to use that pointer. Besides, a std::bad_alloc usually means that you have run out of memory and you would just be postponing the problem.

So be careful: some functions can be made non-throwing, but others should be allowed to throw. Exception safety is not a trivial matter.

NOTE: "some functions can be made non-throwing" 在后面对这些functions进行了总结

CppCoreGuidelines F.6: If your function must not throw, declare it noexcept

Implementation of strong guarantee may depend on stronger guarantee

参见 Exception-Safety\Level-of-exception-safety # Implementation of strong guarantee may depend on stronger guarantee 段:

它是可靠的、它是最最强的guarantee、可以依靠它来实现strong exception safety

How to implement no throw guarantee?

NOTE: tag-how-to-implement-no-throw-guarantee


1、如何实现"no throw guarantee"?

2、哪些情况下能够满足"no throw guarantee"?


a、stackoverflow How can an implementation guarantee that copy constructor of an iterator is no throw? # A

none of them have to use any dynamically allocated memory

一般,如果不dynamically allocated memory,基本上能够保证no throw guarantee。

b、stackoverflow confusion about non-throw functions # A

2、一般,释放resource的operation是能够保证no throw guarantee的。

std::nothrow and noexcpet

std::nothrow是一个constant;noexcpet是一个key word;

哪些需要no throw guarantee/noexcept?

本节对C++中需要提供no throw guarantee的进行总结。

Destructor no throw

参见 C++\Language-reference\Classes\Special-member-function\Destructor\Destructor-and-exception 章节。

Swap no throw

参见 Non-throwing-swap 章节。

CppCoreGuidelines C.44: Prefer default constructors to be simple and non-throwing

CppCoreGuidelines C.66: Make move operations noexcept

CppCoreGuidelines C.83: For value-like types, consider providing a noexcept swap function

CppCoreGuidelines C.86: Make == symmetric with respect of operand types and noexcept

CppCoreGuidelines C.89: Make a hash noexcept

CppCoreGuidelines E.16: Destructors, deallocation, and swap must never fail

Deallocation functions, including operator delete, must be noexcept. swap functions must be noexcept. Most destructors are implicitly noexcept by default. Also, make move operations noexcept.

why std::swap non-throwing

move and swap and no-throw