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Stack unwinding

"stack unwind"是C++的运行机制之一,参见

1、 Call-stack


在cppreference中,stack unwinding特指由于exception而导致的函数提前退出,关于此,参见:

1、cppreference Destructors # Exceptions

stackoverflow What is stack unwinding?

note: 解答地非常好;和我的印象是一致的。其中提RAII、exception safety。


All this relates to C++:

Definition: As you create objects statically (on the stack as opposed to allocating them in the heap memory) and perform function calls, they are "stacked up".

When a scope (anything delimited by { and }) is exited (by using return XXX;, reaching the end of the scope or throwing an exception) everything within that scope is destroyed (destructors are called for everything). This process of destroying local objects and calling destructors is called stack unwinding.

NOTE: 上述C++ stack unwind的介绍是非常好的

You have the following issues related to stack unwinding:

1) avoiding memory leaks (anything dynamically allocated that is not managed by a local object and cleaned up in the destructor will be leaked) - see RAII referred to by Nikolai, and the documentation for boost::scoped_ptr or this example of using boost::mutex::scoped_lock.

2) program consistency: the C++ specifications state that you should never throw an exception before any existing exception has been handled(在existing exception被处理之前,不要throw an exception). This means that the stack unwinding process should never throw an exception (either use only code guaranteed not to throw in destructors, or surround everything in destructors with try { and } catch(...) {}).

NOTE: 上面这一段说明了"A destructor may not fail"的原因,

If any destructor throws an exception during stack unwinding you end up in the land of undefined behavior which could cause your program to terminate unexpectedly (most common behavior) or the universe to end (theoretically possible but has not been observed in practice yet).


Stack unwinding is usually talked about in connection with exception handling. Here's an example:

void func( int x )
    char* pleak = new char[1024]; // might be lost => memory leak
    std::string s( "hello world" ); // will be properly destructed

    if ( x ) throw std::runtime_error( "boom" );

    delete [] pleak; // will only get here if x == 0. if x!=0, throw exception

int main()
        func( 10 );
    catch ( const std::exception& e )
        return 1;

    return 0;

Here memory allocated for pleak will be lost if an exception is thrown, while memory allocated to s will be properly released by std::string destructor in any case. The objects allocated on the stack are "unwound" when the scope is exited (here the scope is of the function func.) This is done by the compiler inserting calls to destructors of automatic (stack) variables.

Now this is a very powerful concept leading to the technique called RAII, that is ***Resource Acquisition Is Initialization***, that helps us manage resources like memory, database connections, open file descriptors, etc. in C++.

Now that allows us to provide exception safety guarantees.


In a general sense, a stack "unwind" is pretty much synonymous with the end of a function call and the subsequent popping of the stack.

However, specifically in the case of C++, stack unwinding has to do with how C++ calls the destructors for the objects allocated since the started of any code block. Objects that were created within the block are deallocated in reverse order of their allocation.

bogotobogo STACK UNWINDING - 2020

Exception and stack unwind
