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What is Evaluation of Expressions?

1、C++官方文档在cppreference Order of evaluation # Evaluation of Expressions 中给出了definition,但是它并不容易理解,本文就是对Evaluation of Expressions进行讨论,其中就会涉及side effect。

2、最近越多的多篇文章中,都谈及了side effect,那它到底什么是呢?在cppreference Order of evaluation # Evaluation of Expressions 中,对它进行了讨论,因此,将它收录在本章;

cppreference Order of evaluation # Evaluation of Expressions


1、"Evaluation of Expressions"是language designer规定的,language implementation需要遵循它来翻译我们的code

2、value computations 和 *side effects*是两个正交概念

Evaluation of each expression includes:

1、value computations: calculation of the value that is returned by the expression. This may involve determination of the identity of the object (glvalue evaluation, e.g. if the expression returns a reference to some object) or reading the value previously assigned to an object (prvalue evaluation, e.g. if the expression returns a number, or some other value)

NOTE: "calculation of the value that is returned by the expression"是容易理解的

2、Initiation of side effects: access (read or write) to an object designated by a volatile glvalue, modification (writing) to an object, calling a library I/O function, or calling a function that does any of those operations.

cppreference std::memory_order # Formal description

NOTE: 在这篇文章中,也大量描述了expression evaluation、value computation、side effect,

问题: side effect 和 value computation 分别是指什么?

结合具体的例子来说明是容易理解的,最最典型的例子就是 ++ and --

以postfix ++ and -- 和 prefix ++ and -- 为例来进行说明

对于 "postfix ++ and -- ",我们知道,它是先返回值,然后执行increment、decrement,那用cppreference evaluation of expression中的专业说法如何来进行解释呢?在 josephmansfield C++ sequenced-before graphs 中,对此有着非常好的总结:

4、The value computation of postfix ++ and -- is sequenced before their side effects.

NOTE: 也就是它们会先返回return value,然后将修改后的value写入到memory中

5、The side effects of prefix ++ and -- are sequenced before their value computation.

NOTE: 显然,它是先将value写入到memory中,然后返回return value的

问题: 为什么分为两个部分?

可以看到,上述对 Evaluation of Expressions 的定义分为了两个部分,那为什么要这样就行划分呢?



1、value computations 显然和 computation 相关,显然它对应的是ALU

2、side effects 显然和 state 相关,它对应的是memory


1、parallel computing: multicore

2、bottleneck: CPU的运行速度 远高于 access memory的速度,因此现代CPU中,每个core都有cache,分为L1 cache、L2 cache



2、CPU执行的过程: memory、register、ALU


4、(猜测的)CPU的执行过程中,在完成了instruction的执行后,应该会继续执行下一条指令,而无需等待这条指令的运行结果写入到memory中,也就是说CPU应该是不会等待instruction的side effect的完成

Value computation和side effect是正交的

有的operator只有value computation,而没有side effect,由此我们可以推断出:Value computation和side effect是正交的 ;只有部分的operator才有side effect,参见下面的"Operator with side effect"。


给予compiler更多的optimization空间,从而实现更好的performance,显然是遵循optimization principle。

Value computation read and side effect write

Value computation的过程可能涉及read from memory;

Side effect的过程可能涉及write to memory;

这是我在阅读 cppreference std::memory_order # Formal description 时,产生的思考,它的正确性暂时没有深入分析。

Side effect

1、Google: c++ side effects

2、stackoverflow What exactly is a 'side-effect' in C++?

3、cppreference std::memory_order # Formal description

在其中也有关于side effect的描述。

Operator with side effect

1、Google: operators with side effects c++

2、修改state的operator,就是"operator with side effect"

在下面文章中,提及了"Operator with side effect"

1、josephmansfield C++ sequenced-before graphs

Both the assignment and the increment have side effects (i.e. they modify the value of an object).