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Function overload in OOP

我们已经知道,在C++中,virtual function对应的是dynamic polymorphism,而overload对应的是static polymorphism,那 "overload of virtual function" 该如何理解呢?C++中是否支持 "overload of virtual function" 呢?

本文结合具体例子对这个话题进行讨论,可以肯定的是C++是支持overload virtual function的,也就是mix static polymorphism 和 dynamic polymorphism,compiler是如何来进行处理的呢?下面结合具体例子来进行说明。


典型的例子就是: visitor pattern: 这是我在阅读 eli.thegreenplace A polyglot's guide to multiple dispatch 时,其中给出的例子:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <memory>
class Rectangle;
class Ellipse;

class Shape
    virtual std::string name() const
        return typeid(*this).name();

    // Dispatcher that should be called by clients to intersect different shapes.
    virtual void Intersect(const Shape*) const = 0;

    // Specific interesection methods implemented by subclasses. If subclass A
    // has a special way to intersect with subclass B, it should implement
    // InteresectWith(const B*).
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Shape*) const
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Rectangle*) const
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Ellipse*) const

class Rectangle: public Shape
    virtual void Intersect(const Shape *s) const

    virtual void IntersectWith(const Shape *s) const
        std::cout << "Rectangle x Shape [names this=" << this->name() << ", s=" << s->name() << "]\n";

    virtual void IntersectWith(const Rectangle *r) const
        std::cout << "Rectangle x Rectangle [names this=" << this->name() << ", r=" << r->name() << "]\n";

class Ellipse: public Shape
    virtual void Intersect(const Shape *s) const

    virtual void IntersectWith(const Rectangle *r) const
        std::cout << "Ellipse x Rectangle [names this=" << this->name() << ", r=" << r->name() << "]\n";

int main()
    std::unique_ptr<Shape> pr1(new Rectangle);
    std::unique_ptr<Shape> pr2(new Rectangle);
    std::unique_ptr<Shape> pe(new Ellipse);

    std::cout << "Dynamic type dispatch\n";
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


Overload of virtual function

class Shape

    virtual void IntersectWith(const Shape*) const
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Rectangle*) const
    virtual void IntersectWith(const Ellipse*) const

上述 IntersectWith 序列函数,就是 overload of virtual function。

class Rectangle: public Shape
    virtual void Intersect(const Shape *s) const

上述 s->IntersectWith(this) 就是 polymorphic object 对 virtual overloaded function的调用,compiler是如何对其进行处理的呢?下一节对此进行了描述。


参见 C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-operation\Query-type\typeid 章节。


overload virtual function是mix static polymorphism 和 dynamic polymorphism,compiler对其的处理其实就是将两者结合起来,但是在一些方面还是需要特别注意。

Name mangling

上述IntersectWith系列函数是overload,通过name mangling,compiler会为它们分配不同的name,因此虽然看上去它们的name相同,其实实现上它们的name是不同的,也就是 Shape 可以看做有三个不同的***IntersectWith***,此处添加***的目的是说明compiler的name mangling方案会修改overload function的name;

C++是支持overload virtual function的,因此在subclass中,是可以**override** parent class的overloaded virtual function的。由于C++的**override**要求function signature在subclass和parent class中保持一致(covariance例外),因此这就要求C++ name mangling方案是不涉及class信息的,这样才能够保证overloaded virtual function在subclass、parent class中,保持name的一致,这样才能够实现override。

Static polymorphism: overload resolution

既然IntersectWith是overloaded,因此compiler在编译的时候,就需要进行**overload resolution**,因此对于 IntersectWith(this) ,compiler是需要将其**dispatch**到**overload set**中的一个的,那到底**dispatch**到哪一个呢?显然这是由 this 的**static type**所决定的,需要注意的是,这里是 static type,而不是 dynamic type,因为 overload resolution 是static context,它是static polymorphism。关于这一点,在 eli.thegreenplace A polyglot's guide to multiple dispatch 中,作者进行了专门的说明:

s->IntersectWith is called with this, which the compiler knows is a pointer to Rectangle, statically. If you wondered why I define Intersect in each subclass rather than doing it once in Shape, even though its code is exactly the same for each subclass, this is the reason. Had I defined it in Shape, the compiler would think the type of this is Shape* and would always dispatch to the IntersectWith(const Shape*) overload. Defining this method in each subclass helps the compiler leverage overloading to call the right method.

重复运用 this 的 static type info来帮助compiler进行statically dispatch。

通过static polymorphism,compiler 从 overload set 中选择了最最overloaded concrete/implementation。

Dynamic polymorphism


由于IntersectWith是virtual function,因此compiler最终会进行特殊的编译,采用late binding以实现dynamic polymorphism。