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STL container as a template parameter

stl的container都是模板类,如何将它们作为template parameter呢?这是本节探讨的一个话题。

stackoverflow STL container as a template parameter

I'm trying to pass an STL container as a template parameter. In this case, the vector.

Here is my not-functional code:

template<template<class> class TContainer, class TObject>
class Foobar

    explicit Foobar( TContainer<TObject*> & container )
    container_( container ){}


    TContainer<TObject*> & container_;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    std::vector<IUnknown*> v;

    Foobar<std::vector, IUnknown*> bla( v );

    return 0;

Is this, what I'm trying to do possible at all, because the compiler cannot swallow this?


There are several things wrong with your code, here is a working example:

template<template<class, class> class TContainer, class TObject>
class Foobar
    explicit Foobar( TContainer<TObject*, std::allocator<TObject*>> & container )
    container_( container ){}

    TContainer<TObject*, std::allocator<TObject*>> & container_;

int main()
    std::vector<IUnknown*> v;
    Foobar<std::vector, IUnknown> bla( v );

The main fault of your codes it that std::vector takes two template arguments. It looks like this template<class T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>> class vector;. Also, Joachim Pileborg is right about the double pointer issue, IUnknown**. However, you could simplify your code with the following:

template<class TContainer>
class Foobar
    explicit Foobar( TContainer & container )
    container_( container ){}

    TContainer & container_; // Be careful with reference members

int main()
    std::vector<IUnknown*> v;
    Foobar<std::vector<IUnknown*>> bla( v ); // C++11 decltype(v) could be used

libstdc++ std::stack

libstdc++ std::stack 的实现是非常值得借鉴的:

template<typename _Tp, typename _Sequence = deque<_Tp> >
class stack


需要注意的是, 它的第二个模板参数_Sequence不是template template parameter,而是一个普通的type template parameter。


std::stack<int> stack1;

std::stack<double, std::vector<double>> stack2;

Type template parameter _Sequence VS template template parameter Cont

modernescpp Types-, Non-Types, and Templates as Template Parametersclass Matrix的第二个template parameter Cont是一个template template parameter,所以它的argument可以是std::vector(需要注意的是std::vector是一个template class,而不是一个class);所以它的instantiation如下:

Matrix<int, std::vector> myIntVec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; 

libstdc++ std::stack_Sequence是type template parameter,所以它的argument不能够是template,而只能够是type;所以它的instantiation如下:

std::stack<double, std::vector<double>> stack2;


Generic container printer

1、stackoverflow What are some uses of template template parameters? # A




template<class T>
class T1

template<class T>
class T2
T1<T> t;

int main()
T1<int> t1;
T2<int> t2;



template<class T>
class T1

template<template<class> class argument>
class T2

int main()
T1<int> t1;
T2<T1> t2;

template<typename FieldT>
struct CUstOptOrderInfoBase

    HSIssuetype Issuetype;

    HSNum SequenceNumber;

    FieldT RspQryOrder;

template<template<typename > typename InfoT, typename FieldT>
struct CUstOptOrderRspBase
    MSG_HEAD MsgHead;
    SBusinessNotifyHead NotifyHead;
    STradeNotifyKey TradeNotifyKey;
    InfoT<FieldT> RtnMsgRsp;

// 行权
using CUstOptExerciseInfo = CUstOptExerciseInfoBase<CHSInsRspQryExerciseField>;
using CUstOptExerciseRsp = CUstOptExerciseRspBase<CUstOptExerciseInfoBase, CHSInsRspQryExerciseField>;