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Decorator pattern

在阅读 CPP / C++ Notes - Design Patterns 时,其中有如下描述:

Decorator pattern - Wikipedia

  • C++11: NO
  • The decorator class uses a raw pointer to the wrapped object. All objects in the main functions are allocated on the stack. In this example, there is any problem over using raw pointers since they don't own memory.
  • Note: Also shows the decorator implemented with Mixins.


wikipedia Decorator pattern


Two options are presented here: first, a dynamic, runtime-composable decorator (has issues with calling decorated functions unless proxied explicitly) and a decorator that uses mixin inheritance.

Dynamic Decorator

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

struct Shape
    virtual ~Shape() = default;

    virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;

struct Circle: Shape
    void Resize(float factor)
        radius *= factor;

    std::string GetName() const override
        return std::string("A circle of radius ") + std::to_string(radius);

    float radius = 10.0f;

struct ColoredShape: Shape
    ColoredShape(const std::string &color, Shape *shape) :
                    color(color), shape(shape)

    std::string GetName() const override
        return shape->GetName() + " which is colored " + color;

    std::string color;
    Shape *shape;

int main()
    Circle circle;
    ColoredShape colored_shape("red", &circle);
    std::cout << colored_shape.GetName() << std::endl;

// g++ test.cpp
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

struct WebPage
    virtual void display()=0;
    virtual ~WebPage() = default;

struct BasicWebPage: WebPage
    std::string html;
    void display() override
        std::cout << "Basic WEB page" << std::endl;
    ~BasicWebPage() = default;

struct WebPageDecorator: WebPage
    WebPageDecorator(std::unique_ptr<WebPage> webPage) :
    void display() override
    ~WebPageDecorator() = default;
    std::unique_ptr<WebPage> _webPage;

struct AuthenticatedWebPage: WebPageDecorator
    AuthenticatedWebPage(std::unique_ptr<WebPage> webPage) :

    void authenticateUser()
        std::cout << "authentification done" << std::endl;
    void display() override
    ~AuthenticatedWebPage() = default;

struct AuthorizedWebPage: WebPageDecorator
    AuthorizedWebPage(std::unique_ptr<WebPage> webPage) :

    void authorizedUser()
        std::cout << "authorized done" << std::endl;
    void display() override
    ~AuthorizedWebPage() = default;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::unique_ptr<WebPage> myPage = std::make_unique<BasicWebPage>();

    myPage = std::make_unique<AuthorizedWebPage>(std::move(myPage));
    myPage = std::make_unique<AuthenticatedWebPage>(std::move(myPage));
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;
// g++ --std=c++14 test.cpp

Static Decorator (Mixin Inheritance)

This example demonstrates a static Decorator implementation, which is possible due to C++ ability to inherit from the template argument.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

struct Circle
    void Resize(float factor)
        radius *= factor;

    std::string GetName() const
        return std::string("A circle of radius ") + std::to_string(radius);

    float radius = 10.0f;

template<typename T>
struct ColoredShape: public T
    ColoredShape(const std::string &color) :

    std::string GetName() const
        return T::GetName() + " which is colored " + color;

    std::string color;

int main()
    ColoredShape<Circle> red_circle("red");
    std::cout << red_circle.GetName() << std::endl;
    std::cout << red_circle.GetName() << std::endl;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp