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Multithreading in C++0x part 6: Lazy initialization and double-checked locking with atomics

Lazy Initialization

The classic lazy-initialization case is where you have an object that is expensive to construct but isn't always needed. In this case you can choose to only initialize it on first use:

class lazy_init
    mutable std::unique_ptr<expensive_data> data;
    expensive_data const& get_data() const
            data.reset(new expensive_data);
        return *data;

However, we can't use this idiom in multi-threaded code, since there would be a data race on the accesses to data. Enter std::call_once() — by using an instance of std::once_flag to protect the initialization we can make the data race go away:

NOTE: 为什么"there would be a data race on the accesses to data"?

class lazy_init
    mutable std::once_flag flag;
    mutable std::unique_ptr<expensive_data> data;

    void do_init() const
        data.reset(new expensive_data);
    expensive_data const& get_data() const
        return *data;

Concurrent calls to get_data() are now safe: if the data has already been initialized they can just proceed concurrently. If not, then all threads calling concurrently except one will wait until the remaining thread has completed the initialization.


This is all very well if you only want to initialize the data once. However, what if you need to update the data — perhaps it's a cache of some rarely-changing data that's expensive to come by. std::call_once() doesn't support multiple calls (hence the name). You could of course protect the data with a mutex, as shown below:

class lazy_init_with_cache
    mutable std::mutex m;
    mutable std::shared_ptr<const expensive_data> data;

    std::shared_ptr<const expensive_data> get_data() const
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
            data.reset(new expensive_data);
        return data;
    void invalidate_cache()
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);

Note that in this case we return a std::shared_ptr<const expensive_data> rather than a reference to avoid a race condition on the data itself — this ensures that the copy held by the calling code will be valid (if out of date) even if another thread calls invalidate_cache() before the data can be used.



一个thread access了被另外一个thread 释放的memory,关于此,参见

1、stackoverflow Does using .reset() on a std::shared_ptr delete all instances

This "works" in the sense that it avoids data races, but if the updates are rare and the reads are frequent then this may cause unnecessary serialization when multiple threads call get_data() concurrently. What other options do we have?

Double-checked locking returns

Much has been written about how double-checked locking is broken when using multiple threads. However, the chief cause of the problem is that the sample code uses plain non-atomic operations to check the flag outside the mutex, so is subject to a data race. You can overcome this by careful use of the C++0x atomics, as shown in the example below:

class lazy_init_with_cache
    mutable std::mutex m;
    mutable std::shared_ptr<const expensive_data> data;

    std::shared_ptr<const expensive_data> get_data() const
        std::shared_ptr<const expensive_data> result=
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
                result.reset(new expensive_data);
        return result;
    void invalidate_cache()
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
        std::shared_ptr<const expensive_data> dummy;

Note that in this case, all writes to data use atomic operations, even those within the mutex lock. This is necessary in order to ensure that the atomic load operation at the start of get_data() actually has a coherent value to read — there's no point doing an atomic load if the stores are not atomic, otherwise you might atomically load some half-written data. Also, the atomic load and store operations ensure that the reference count on the std::shared_ptr object is correctly updated, so that the expensive_data object is correctly destroyed when the last std::shared_ptr object referencing it is destroyed.

If our atomic load actually returned a non-NULL value then we can use that, just as we did before. However, if it returned NULL then we need to lock the mutex and try again. This time we can use a plain read of data, since the mutex is locked. If we still get NULL then we need to do the initialization. However, we can't just call data.reset() like before, since that is not atomic. Instead we must create a local std::shared_ptr instance with the value we want, and store the value with an atomic store operation. We can use result for the local value, since we want the value in that variable anyway.

In invalidate_cache() we must also store the value using std::atomic_store_explicit(), in order to ensure that the NULL value is correctly read in get_data(). Note also that we must also lock the mutex here, in order to avoid a data race with the initialization code inside the mutex lock in get_data().

Memory ordering

By using std::atomic_load_explicit() and std::atomic_store_explicit() we can specify the memory ordering requirements of the operations. We could have just used std::atomic_load() and std::atomic_store(), but those would have implied std::memory_order_seq_cst, which is overkill in this scenario. What we need is to ensure that if a non-NULL value is read in get_data() then the actual creation of the associated object happens-before the read. The store in get_data() must therefore use std::memory_order_release, whilst the load uses std::memory_order_acquire.

On the other hand, the store in invalidate_cache() can merrily use std::memory_order_relaxed, since there is no data associated with the store: if the load in get_data() reads NULL then the mutex will be locked, which will handle any necessary synchronization.

Whenever you use atomic operations, you have to make sure that the memory ordering is correct, and that there are no races. Even in such a simple case such as this it is not trivial, and I would not recommend it unless profiling has shown that this is really a problem.