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sean-parent value-semantics-unique

    Copyright 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    Distributed under the MIT License (see license at

    This file is intended as example code and is not production quality.

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// Library

template <typename T>
void draw(const T& x, ostream& out, size_t position)
{ out << string(position, ' ') << x << endl; }

class object_t {
    template <typename T>
    object_t(T x) : self_(new model<T>(move(x)))
    { }

    object_t(const object_t& x) : self_(x.self_->copy_())
    { }
    object_t(object_t&&) noexcept = default;

    object_t& operator=(const object_t& x)
    { object_t tmp(x); *this = move(tmp); return *this; }
    object_t& operator=(object_t&&) noexcept = default;

    friend void draw(const object_t& x, ostream& out, size_t position)
    { x.self_->draw_(out, position); }

    struct concept_t {
        virtual ~concept_t() = default;
        virtual concept_t* copy_() const = 0;
        virtual void draw_(ostream&, size_t) const = 0;
    template <typename T>
    struct model : concept_t {
        model(T x) : data_(move(x)) { }
        concept_t* copy_() const { return new model(*this); }
        void draw_(ostream& out, size_t position) const 
        { draw(data_, out, position); }

        T data_;

   unique_ptr<const concept_t> self_;

using document_t = vector<object_t>;

void draw(const document_t& x, ostream& out, size_t position)
    out << string(position, ' ') << "<document>" << endl;
    for (auto& e : x) draw(e, out, position + 2);
    out << string(position, ' ') << "</document>" << endl;

using history_t = vector<document_t>;

void commit(history_t& x) { assert(x.size()); x.push_back(x.back()); }
void undo(history_t& x) { assert(x.size()); x.pop_back(); }
document_t& current(history_t& x) { assert(x.size()); return x.back(); }

// Client

class my_class_t {
    /* ... */

void draw(const my_class_t&, ostream& out, size_t position)
{ out << string(position, ' ') << "my_class_t" << endl; }

int main()
    history_t h(1);


    draw(current(h), cout, 0);
    cout << "--------------------------" << endl;


    current(h)[1] = string("World");

    draw(current(h), cout, 0);
    cout << "--------------------------" << endl;


    draw(current(h), cout, 0);