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Release-Consume ordering

1、data dependency,参见 Data-dependency 章节

cppreference std::memory_order # Explanation # Release-Consume ordering

If an atomic store in thread A is tagged memory_order_release and an atomic load in thread B from the same variable that read the stored value is tagged memory_order_consume, all memory writes (non-atomic and relaxed atomic) that happened-before the atomic store from the point of view of thread A, become visible side-effects within those operations in thread B into which the load operation carries dependency, that is, once the atomic load is completed, those operators and functions in thread B that use the value obtained from the load are guaranteed to see what thread A wrote to memory.

NOTE: 1、"those operators and functions in thread B that use the value " 这段话中,"use"的含义其实是dependent on

使用modification order来进行描述

The synchronization is established only between the threads releasing and consuming the same atomic variable. Other threads can see different order of memory accesses than either or both of the synchronized threads.



2、它是使用modification order的角度来进行描述的


On all mainstream CPUs other than DEC Alpha, dependency ordering is automatic, no additional CPU instructions are issued for this synchronization mode, only certain compiler optimizations are affected (e.g. the compiler is prohibited from performing speculative loads(推测的) on the objects that are involved in the dependency chain).

See also std::kill_dependency and [[carries_dependency]] for fine-grained dependency chain control.

Note that currently (2/2015) no known production compilers track dependency chains: consume operations are lifted to acquire operations.

Use case

Typical use cases for this ordering involve read access to rarely written concurrent data structures (routing tables, configuration, security policies, firewall rules, etc) and publisher-subscriber situations with pointer-mediated publication, that is, when the producer publishes a pointer through which the consumer can access information: there is no need to make everything else the producer wrote to memory visible to the consumer (which may be an expensive operation on weakly-ordered architectures). An example of such scenario is rcu_dereference.

(since C++17)

The specification of release-consume ordering is being revised, and the use of memory_order_consume is temporarily discouraged.


This example demonstrates dependency-ordered synchronization for pointer-mediated publication: the integer data is not related to the pointer to string by a data-dependency relationship, thus its value is undefined in the consumer.


1、由于 data 和 "pointer to string "ptr 之间并没有 "data-dependency relationship",因此对 data 的read、write可能进行modification,因此在 consumer 中,assert(data == 42); // may or may not fire: data does not carry dependency from ptr

#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>

std::atomic<std::string*> ptr;
int data;

void producer()
    std::string* p  = new std::string("Hello");
    data = 42;, std::memory_order_release);

void consumer()
    std::string* p2;
    while (!(p2 = ptr.load(std::memory_order_consume)))
    assert(*p2 == "Hello"); // never fires: *p2 carries dependency from ptr
    assert(data == 42); // may or may not fire: data does not carry dependency from ptr

int main()
    std::thread t1(producer);
    std::thread t2(consumer);
    t1.join(); t2.join();