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Full memory barrier/fence

Release-acquire and full memory barrier


1、stackoverflow What's the difference between InterlockedCompareExchange Release() and Acquire()?


The plain version uses a full barrier while the suffixed(带后缀的) versions only deals with loads or stores, this can be faster on some CPUs (Itanium-based processors etc)

NOTE: level

MSDN has a article about Acquire and Release Semantics and the Interlocked* API as well as this great blog post. The Linux memory barrier documentation might also be useful...

NOTE: 上述 this great blog post ,所链接的是下面的: microsoft Acquire and release sound like bass fishing terms, but they also apply to memory models.

2、stackoverflow How to understand acquire and release semantics?


Acquire says "only worry about stuff after me". Release says "only worry about stuff before me". Combining those both is a full memory barrier.