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Named Constructor

More C++ Idioms Named Constructor

isocpp What is the “Named Constructor Idiom”? Δ

A technique that provides more intuitive and/or safer construction operations for users of your class.

#include <cmath>               // To get std::sin() and std::cos()

 // 反面例子
 class Point {
 Point(float x, float y);     // Rectangular coordinates
 Point(float r, float a);     // Polar coordinates (radius and angle)
 // ERROR: Overload is Ambiguous: Point::Point(float,float)
 int main()
 Point p = Point(5.7, 1.2);   // Ambiguous: Which coordinate system?
 // ...

class Point
    static Point rectangular(float x, float y);      // Rectangular coord's 直角坐标系
    static Point polar(float radius, float angle);   // Polar coordinates 极坐标系
    // These static methods are the so-called "named constructors"
    // ...
    Point(float x, float y);     // Rectangular coordinates
    float x_, y_;
inline Point::Point(float x, float y)
        : x_(x), y_(y)
inline Point Point::rectangular(float x, float y)
    return Point(x, y);
inline Point Point::polar(float radius, float angle)
    return Point(radius * std::cos(angle), radius * std::sin(angle));
int main()
    Point p1 = Point::rectangular(5.7, 1.2);   // Obviously rectangular
    Point p2 = Point::polar(5.7, 1.2);         // Obviously polar
    // ...