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Named parameter

More C++ Idioms Named Parameter

isocpp What is the “Named Parameter Idiom”? Δ

It’s a fairly useful way to exploit method chaining.

The fundamental problem solved by the Named Parameter Idiom is that C++ only supports positional parameters.

NOTE: 所谓named parameter,其实就是python中的kwargs

#include <string>

class File;
class OpenFile
    OpenFile(const std::string& filename);
    // sets all the default values for each data member
    OpenFile& readonly();  // changes readonly_ to true
    OpenFile& readwrite(); // changes readonly_ to false
    OpenFile& createIfNotExist();
    OpenFile& blockSize(unsigned nbytes);
    // ...
    friend class File;
    std::string filename_;
    bool readonly_;          // defaults to false [for example]
    bool createIfNotExist_;  // defaults to false [for example]
    // ...
    unsigned blockSize_;     // defaults to 4096 [for example]
    // ...
inline OpenFile::OpenFile(const std::string& filename)
        : filename_(filename)
                , readonly_(false)
                , createIfNotExist_(false)
                , blockSize_(4096u)
inline OpenFile& OpenFile::readonly()
    readonly_ = true;
    return *this;
inline OpenFile& OpenFile::readwrite()
    readonly_ = false;
    return *this;
inline OpenFile& OpenFile::createIfNotExist()
    createIfNotExist_ = true;
    return *this;
inline OpenFile& OpenFile::blockSize(unsigned nbytes)
    blockSize_ = nbytes;
    return *this;

class File
    File(const OpenFile& params);
    // ...

File::File(const OpenFile& params)
    // ...

int main()
    File f = OpenFile("foo.txt")

编译g++ tests.cpp

wikipedia Named parameter#With chained method calls