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Requiring or Prohibiting Heap-based Objects


More C++ Idioms Requiring or Prohibiting Heap-based Objects

Solution and Sample Code

Requiring heap-based objects


1、"Requiring heap-based objects"意味着只能怪在heap上创建object,而不能够在stack上创建object

class HeapOnly
    void destroy() const
        delete this;

HeapOnly h1;     // Destructor is protected so h1 can't be created globally
HeapOnly func()  // Compiler error because destructor of temporary is protected
    HeapOnly *hoptr = new HeapOnly; // This is ok. No destructor is invoked automatically for heap-based objects
    return *hoptr;
int main(void)
    HeapOnly h2; // Destructor is protected so h2 can't be created on stack
// g++ test.cpp -pedantic -Wall -Wextra

Protected destructor also prevents access to delete HeapOnly because it internally invokes the destructor. To prevent memory leak, destroy member function is provided, which calls delete on itself. Derived classes have access to the protected destructor so HeapOnly class can still be used as a base class. However, the derived class no longer has the same restrictions.


1、通过上述描述来看,它是通过"protected destructor"的方式实现的

Prohibiting heap-based objects

Dynamic allocation of objects can be prevented by disallowing access to all forms of classspecific new operators. The new operator for scalar objects and for an array of objects are two possible variations. Both should be declared protected (or private) to prevent heapbased objects.

#include <cstddef>

class NoHeap
    static void* operator new(std::size_t);      // #1: To prevent allocation of scalar objects
    static void* operator new [](std::size_t);  // #2: To prevent allocation of array of objects
class NoHeapTwo: public NoHeap
int main(void)
    new NoHeap;        // Not allowed because of #1
    new NoHeap[1];     // Not allowed because of #2
    new NoHeapTwo[10];  // Not allowed because of inherited protected new operator (#2).
// g++ test.cpp -pedantic -Wall -Wextra

csdn C++ 如何限制一个类对象只在栈(堆)上创建

只能在堆上分配类对象(heap only)

class A


    static A* create()
        return new A();

    void destory()
        delete this;
// g++ test.cpp -pedantic -Wall -Wextra